Wednesday, April 1, 2009

The Good Idea/Gossip

Good morning to all…..

Today is April 1st…..April Fools Day….the day where people try to fool others with practical jokes and gags. Have you been “had” yet? We started off on a good note this morning....we played a little “school is canceled” joke on Matthew and he was not to happy when we said April Fools. He was beginning to plan out a day of fun for himself when we told him the truth. Too funny!

On days like today it is so much fun to play little jokes on each other. It makes us laugh but we also question why we could be caught like that. We go to bed thinking …OK tomorrow is April Fools Day so I will be ready…then what happens, we get caught.

When the little innocent fun goes to far however people do get hurt. This leads me into the topic of gossip.

Gossip is something that we have all been guilty of one way or another. We may think that talking about someone as long as they don’t know it won’t hurt them, but it does the greatest of damage.

Spreading rumors, telling stories, breaking confidences….it is all gossip and if we are guilty then we just have to stop.

What good does it do? If you participate in gossip; is it to take the other person down or to build yourself up?

There are times when this happens so innocently. Like the times when we are genuinely concerned for someone so we talk to other people about it….out of love we say.

This gets blown up like a huge balloon and before long it has traveled far and wide. We find out that the original message is not what was spoken at all.

Gossip, no matter how you look at it, it is bad. It has destructive power….it has the power to destroy and kill.

I do not know of one person who likes being talked about do you? Yesterday while getting into my car in a parking lot I overhead a woman talking on her cell phone about another person that she had issues with.

My thought was, “I’m glad I’m not that person.” WOW – Too upset about something and what good was she doing speaking that way?

Once again it is our words. I’ve learned to choose mine very carefully. Words have such power to heal or destroy. I’m not sure we all believe in that so we do not put much thought into it. It is so true though.

What’s that saying ….? "Loose lips sink ships."

Someone once asked me, “If I cannot talk about those people, then what do I talk about?” I answered, “Silence is golden.”

Having fun with someone is wonderful as long as it is not hurtful or malicious. We have to watch our words and how they are delivered. Gossip, it is not for us…not for us who want to make a difference. Nancy

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