Monday, April 27, 2009

The Good Idea/Just The Way You Are

Good morning my friends….

What a glorious day and what a glorious weekend that we had. I even spent some time on the deck pretending to be on the beach. Talk about a stretch!!!! Imagination, boy it can take you places!

I better not talk about this too much or George will think that the deck is good enough and not take me anywhere.

Something has been tugging at my heart recently. It is something that was the topic of conversation that I had with a friend of mine just this morning.

You may be asking what is it? (Or maybe not!) Anyway I have to share. It is accepting each other for who we are and not how we look. There you go. Is it all about the packaging? I dare to say no.

Oh the feelings that get hurt. It starts when we are children and sometimes follows us through adulthood. I have to say…come on now!

We are all created in His image; however we come in different packages. Each unique to his own and we should all celebrate the differences.

I see children being made fun of, being hurt, being the topic of conversation just because they may look a little different.

Some may be too talk, too small, hair too long, hair too short, a round face, a square face, long fingers, academically challenged or academically advanced.

Do we not have better things to do than to poke “fun” at another? I believe that this starts at home. What are we saying to our children about acceptance of others? Even acceptance of ourselves?

We must be confident in who we are and how we were made. There is a special ness to each and every one of us and that needs to be celebrated. Not made fun of.

With careless words spoken, fingers pointed and laughter heard much damage can be done. It is time to stop hurting each other and start accepting each other for the spectacular gifts that God has given to us. Each is unique and quite lovely.

If you are a little different…WE ALL ARE…celebrate that! I celebrate with you and I think you are great. You bring so much to the table.

Let’s enjoy each other and let’s raise our children up to be accepting and open to individuality. Talk about a world of difference being made! YEAH!!! Nancy

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