Tuesday, April 28, 2009

The Good Idea/Leaving behind?

Good morning….

The keys on my computer are keeping time with a bird’s song outdoors. I do not know if he hears me or I hear him….we are both in sync. Nature’s rhythm; we are one. I just pray now that the bird does not go into warp speed because my fingers will not be able to keep up!

So let’s start…I know that we have all heard the expression about today being a gift….it is called the present. I have spoken on this myself, but have we really thought about it?

What are we doing in this day? What strides are we making in regards to fulfilling our purpose? What are people remembering about us?

We can waste it away or we can accomplish something great in it. I remember a partial quote by an unknown author that says, “When tomorrow comes, this day will be gone forever; in its place is something that you have left behind…let it be something good.”

Fear vs. courage, happiness vs. sadness, patience vs. impatience, selfishness vs. unselfishness, and love vs. hate. Where are you placing yourself today?

What will be remembered about you today? Will you look back on this day and say to yourself, “What a great day I had….I feel so good about all the things that I did.” Not to be boastful but to be confident in the fact that you put others first and became a servant.

When we get to tomorrow let us not look back upon today with regret of how we could have done it better. What we could have said that would have made such a big difference in another’s life.

Let us look back onto today and know that we are leaving behind a good memory of a job well done.

There shall be no regrets when you lay your head on your pillow tonight. No regrets when you walk in love and in the light of our Lord.

Be happy and be productive today. Your happiness tomorrow will be determined by what you leave behind today. If you need to make a difference in your day…start now, it is never too late. Nancy

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