Thursday, April 9, 2009

The Good Idea/"Yeah, whatever"

Good blessed morning….

What a day to be alive. The sun is shining, the soft breeze blows and the birds are making ready for new life. We are entering into the time of new hope, new life and new love. This is so exciting!!!

This day is also when Spring Break starts for my younger children…so the office is full of fun, laughter, questions, dancing and that’s just from me! OK down to business.

So here goes, have you ever heard the expression, (and I know you have) “Oh yeah, whatever.” I really dislike that saying….it is so non-committal and so disrespectful.

Life and what happens in it is worthy of taking notice. I’m not saying that everything that happens is worth remembering…but it is worth taking notice of. Why? Because that something was put there for a reason. It is not for us to always understand; it is for us to always trust in His way.

I believe that we need to become more childlike….not childish….more childlike. Let go of that pent up, hard core exterior and become childlike and ready to take on wonder.

Don’t you find that sometimes throughout our day we get so tired of our very existence? It is because we are seeing everything for the 1000 time. Well open your eyes and see it new for the first time. Become an active participant of your life and see what lies ahead of you. See what you can do with this gift called time.

"Be bright eyed and bushy tailed"…as my Mama would say….

Let’s get excited about life. We only live it once…let’s go for the glory!!! We can do so much with what has been given, with what is given and with what is going to be given. Reach up, take and rejoice….for this is the day!!!

Open your eyes with fresh wonder….be childlike and see the beauty behind every situation. It is there if only we dare to look.

Enjoy your day today….. I need to get back to the joy which is spilling out all over my office. OK kids, I’m coming!!! I’m going to make a difference today, how about you? Nancy

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