Thursday, April 23, 2009

The Good Idea/Confrontations

Good morning to all…..

Our oldest daughter is leaving for Florida this weekend and as I go outside and feel the “chilly” morning I cry out….”Take me with you!” I’m being called to feel the warmth of the beach….I’m sure of it!

I want to share with you today something that we have all experienced and will continue to experience as long as we live. It is called confrontation. OH….I so dislike confrontation. I’ve never been good at it and I probably never will be. Why you may ask…..because I don’t like it.

When we feel a certain way about a situation or person; I think that we have to ask ourselves why? Why do I feel the way I feel about this or that? Maybe your experiences regarding the situation or in this case; confrontation have always been negative.

I find confrontation to be loud and overpowering. Too much in my face, too much authority is being shoved around and too much finger pointing. Doesn’t sound pleasant, does it?

OK, how do we change “in your face” confrontations into a pleasant experience? Well first of all, I have to change the name to “conversations.” Yes, that is better for me…less threatening.

Next relax and be calm. Sometimes we worry so much about a “conversation” that we get all worked up and the problem is bigger than it really is. So – relax. Experience deep breathing and treat yourself to a cool drink.

Next be honest with the person that you want to talk with. Do not come on too strong, too pushy and not angry. Approach softly and with love in your heart, in your words, in your actions and in your demeanor. My Mama use to say, “ Nancy you will get more with honey then you will with vinegar.” (I bet your Mama said that also!)

Positive confrontation is so important that you can find it talked about in the Bible….Luke 17:3 (NJB) “If your brother does something wrong, rebuke him and, if he is sorry, forgive him.” There you go. Simple as that!

Let’s remember that the next time we need to have a “conversation” with someone, enter lightly, and put a smile on your face and a peace offering in your hand. Talk about making a difference in the outcome. Enjoy your day today - Nancy

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