Thursday, April 16, 2009

The Good Idea/Regrets?

Good Morning and Oh Happy Day!

Seriously, have you been outside yet? If not, I strongly urge you to venture out and enjoy this most beautiful morning. Yea, that’s what I’m talkin’ about! YIPPEE

“These are the days my friend…etc...” George and I were talking this morning about fully realizing the beauty and blessings in life. We said that you cannot truly be grateful until you see the other side. How good is it until you know how bad it can be?

Through the mist, through the clouds, through the dreariness of the days, we emerge into a glorious Son filled day! There is more to this then meets the eye! But we will save that for another day!

Which leads me right into a quote I read by Ralph Waldo Emerson, “You cannot do a kindness too soon, for you never know how soon it will be too late.”

We are talking about not having any regrets. How many times do we regret the things that we have not done. This holds especially true when someone passes on and we say, “oh I should have done this…I should have said that.”

We beat ourselves up because of our stubbornness to make amends or just to say I love you! Why do we beat ourselves up? Because we know that it is wrong.

How many of us think that we are bullet proof? How many of us think that we have from here to eternity to be kind, to make amends, to make a difference in our lives or the lives around us.

Too many I would venture to say. This is something that one has to work on…but don’t take too long because we are not the master of our time. And if you do not believe that just talk to others who want just one more moment to say “I love you”…to say “I forgive you”….to ask, “Please forgive me.”

Life is so precious; life is a gift that can be dissolved in an instant. I’ve had four of my family members pass away and I will tell you that I have no regrets. I loved them and they knew it; I spent time with them and we enjoyed each other and I will hold their memories so close to my heart. I can smile when I think of them because I have no regrets. There are no “could haves and should haves.”

We need to be prepared in love. We need to walk in love, talk in love and hold each other in love. That is the Father’s love. I believe “LOVE” should make the world go round. Enjoy your sunny day and walk in love without any regrets. You will see the difference that it makes. Nancy

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