Monday, April 13, 2009

The Good Idea/Success Story

Good morning to all….

What a beautiful day. Be sure to spend some time in it…you will love it! I began my exercising outside today and how wonderful it was! I saw such beautiful skies, felt so much crisp air and watched as birds danced around with each other. Spring has sprung!

This weekend I was reading about Ray Kroc, the founder of McDonald’s and he definitely has had a remarkable life. Ray Kroc has never given up. He persevered through odd jobs and physical ailments. He knew that something greater was waiting for him.

This is what Ray Kroc said, “I was 52 years old. I had diabetes and incipient arthritis. I had lost my gall bladder and most of my thyroid gland in earlier campaigns, but I was convinced that the best was ahead of me.”

WOW – talk about a success story.

What about your success story? What have you had to overcome to get where you are today? We all have stories and some of those stories have been responsible in catapulting us to the next level.

I myself have never given up. I always believed that there was more. I might have stumbled from time to time but I always believed.

You see, even when “life” deals us “a not so pretty hand”….we can still rise above it, walk through it and achieve success when we believe that God has more for us. He does.

Ray Kroc, he use to be a paper cup salesman, real estate broker, piano player and milk shake mixer. There was not a job too small for him.

What did you use to be? Where have you come from and where are you going?

If your journey has not been what you hoped it would have been; then look ahead with hope and belief in your heart and move forward. Change only comes to those that believe. And when you believe….a difference will be made. Nancy

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