Wednesday, April 15, 2009

The Good Idea/Inch by Inch

Hello and Good morning…

We have another day of rain which tells me that we will have beautiful flowers and green grass this season.

Our son has started mowing the grass already and to hear him complain you would think that we are asking him to mow the White House lawn by hand. We tell him that by doing this he is building character. It’s not going over too big. HA HA

Let’s talk about taking things a step at a time. Let’s talk about doing things on a day by day basis. By not doing too much at once you will not become overwhelmed.

I compare this with teaching a child how to tie his shoes. I remember when we taught our children we had to take it in steps. There was a time I went through the whole thing and I got this look. Oops too much too soon.

This can also be compared to eating. What happens when we put too much in our mouths at once? We naturally choke. We shouldn’t take on that much at once. Our body is saying, too much, too soon, can’t breath! And….you look like a squirrel!

It can be so difficult to hold back and not to do it all at once. When we rush through; when we attempt to complete it all at one time; the possibility of doing it wrong is very high. My goodness, we miss the experience, the taste, the view and quite possibly the reason for the whole task. We become robot like, mechanical without the happy feeling of “hey I accomplished it.”

In our lives there can be so much to do that we want to get it all done at once. You know, get it over with so that we can move on. This will create anxiousness and nervousness.

When we are given a task to do, the time for it will be allotted for it. We probably rush because we feel that if we don’t we will not complete it. And…heaven knows that we probably have a bazillion more things waiting for us.

Time to slow down; grab a cup of coffee or tea or your favorite “energy” drink and remember this little poem….”Inch by inch, life’s a cinch. Yard by yard life is hard.” (Unknown)

Or this one by George Robert – “How do you eat an elephant?” (Author, probably someone else) We will ask our children this and they have heard it enough to respond…"one bite at a time."

So if you have an elephant in your life…..take one bite at a time and before long he is gone. Enjoy eating today. You can chomp away and make a difference. Nancy

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