Friday, April 17, 2009

The Good Idea/Busy?

Yes…it is a good morning indeed!

Today when I walked our youngest up to school I did not want to come inside. This is the type of day that I do not want to end. Are you aware that Glory is being shared with us? This is beautiful….."Little bit of Heaven!"

As I have mentioned before, George and I have many discussions about a vast variety of subjects. I so love our time together. We talk so much and share so much that when one of us has to leave; I feel like I am being robbed of time with him.

I have so many reasons for wanting to be with him and talk with him. One of the reasons is that when we talk; I am so inspired to think further on a subject. George challenges me with topics that become the focus of our discussions. He is so good to me! Thank you George Robert.

Why did I get so mushy and tell you all of this? Well, because it leads me into what I want to share with you today. It is what George and I have been talking about. (Thanks for being patient!)

Our lives are busy, aren’t they? Why? It is because of family, work and social demands. Why do we allow ourselves to be subject to so much pressure?

Well, one reason may be that our lives are just the way they are because we have some things that we gotta’ do. Another reason may be because we are running from something and if we stay real busy we do not have to face an issue.

For instance, like going home….some people do not want to go home because their life there is not all that rosy. So what do they do? They take on so much extra time consuming projects; they appear so busy that they do not have to face what is bothering them.

Oops, is that you? Are you being too busy to deal with the real issues? Skirting the issues….as “they” say.

To be busy in many cases is real and justified. You just have to get certain things done but are you being busy so that you do not have to feel the real things in your life that are displeasing to you? If so, it is time to “put the cards on the table” and deal with them.

I know of people who make themselves busy just to look busy….they are scrambling around like little ants. Are we running toward something or away from something? Hum….

May I suggest today that we run toward something….how about out into this glorious day? You just might feel the Son shine on your face and that will make the difference! Nancy

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