Monday, April 20, 2009

The Good Idea/Purpose & Destiny

Good morning everyone….

Isn’t it a wonderful thing to open your eyes in the morning knowing that you have the whole day ahead of you to do something great?

We’ve all been given the same amount of time to work and play in and I pray each and every day that I will use it all wisely. But I must confess I’m still working on it.

Today I want to share with you what has been “following” me around lately. You know what I mean….one day you see a beautiful car and you say to yourself, “Why I’ve never seen that color before.” Then the next 10 cars are that same color.

Or you read a line in a book or the newspaper and then you see it in 4 other publications. “Things” just keep following you around. How does this happen? I believe it is because your Creator wants you to get a message so He delivers it in a couple different ways.

Take for an example….."Purpose and Destiny."

That’s it… "Purpose and Destiny." If I’ve read about this once, I’ve read and heard about it several times over the past two weeks. Finding your purpose ….. I’ve even written about it in my book JustAsk…Let Your Spirit Guide You.

What is my purpose? What is my destiny? Questions that we have all had and we are still asking. We all want to know what we should be doing and where we are going.

Remember as a child or even an adult….laying in the grass, hands behind your head, one leg crossed over the other and you voice out loud…."What is my purpose?" "Why am I here?"

We’ve all done this; we’ve all pondered these big questions. Did you get your answer? Are you still working on your answer?

Do not be disturbed if you have found yourself a little older in this quest. I’m a little older (just a little bit!) and I just discovered it a few years ago.

Am I working my purpose? I do believe so. Am I aiming toward my destiny? I do believe so. You see your purpose is what you are doing while headed for your destiny.

God has given us all a destiny. Destiny is a place to work toward while working your purpose here and now.

Do you love what you are doing? Do you find a passion in what you are doing? Does it give you a good feeling and a confirmation in your heart? Then you are working your purpose while striving to fulfill your destiny.

We are all marching on. What direction are you going in? “JustAsk” for your purpose and destiny to be revealed to you. It will be revealed when you believe and know in your heart that there is something so much more for you!

When you discover your one true purpose and destiny a huge difference will be made in your life and the lives around you. Enjoy the journey….. Nancy

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