Tuesday, April 21, 2009

The Good Idea/Adaptability

Good morning everyone…..

The first thing I did this morning when I came down stairs was to look out our back door. I saw a most beautiful sight. The sun was shining brightly on my newly prepared garden. The soil in the garden and the grass around the garden was glistening with water from recent rains. How beautiful to see freshness like this. How beautiful to see life springing forth in the mist.

Then I glanced to the East and saw the Son shining so eagerly around the bend. There is a proclamation to all that the promise of a fresh day is here. I thank you Lord for the glories of your hand.

Recently I’ve been thinking about adaptability. Am I truly adaptable? Are you really adaptable? How far will and can we stretch? How much are you willing to change?

The reason for this pondering …..my hair dryer broke again this past Sunday and I’ve been using George’s. Have you ever used someone else’s hair dryer? It just doesn’t work, does it?

It is like when you are traveling and you use the hotel’s hair dryer. (Wind tunnel) Please, I look like I’ve been traveling on a motor cycle at warp speed without a helmet! I’m telling ya’, it ain’t pretty!!!

At this point in time I do not have a backup…well except for George’s. And…I’m very grateful for that! Really!!!

I see that I need to adapt to this situation and make the best of it until George can lay hands on it and fix it. That is unless I can make it to Target before George finds out. Anyway…..I need to do something.

There are times in our lives and there will be more of them when we just need to “go with the punches.” We need to adapt to whatever is thrown at us. We will survive, we are more than conquerors!

I’ve thought before, “What would I do if I put the coffee on in the morning and the pot broke?” What would I do? I would adapt…yes I would ….I would go next door and use hers!

Life does throw curve balls from time to time. How are you handling yours? Are they hitting you or are you ducking and adjusting?

I plan on ducking and adjusting…I’m going to Target! I’m going to have to ask George, “How do you dry your hair with that thing????”

So I have made a difference today – a difference in my look. It is all good, just don’t point and stare when you see me. Enjoy your day and make your difference count. Nancy

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