Tuesday, April 7, 2009

The Good Idea/Impact

Good morning everyone….

WOW – What a time I am having….as I put my thoughts down I’m listening to Andre Bocelli. It is actually a bit difficult doing it this way. I just want to stop and listen and enjoy. I do believe that he has been my inspiration this morning. I am convinced that this is how the angels sound. YES, sing to me!!!!

I’ve been thinking about the impact that we make on others. Is this impact negative or positive? What we say and do….do they really make a difference? A resounding YES!!!

To think that what we say or do not say or what we do or do not do doesn’t make an impact on someone is just wrong thinking. Period.

Sometimes we say, “Oh no big deal, they won’t remember or they will understand where I’m coming from.” Oops….the damage has already been done.

We want to create an atmosphere of growth and love and possibilities. We can do this by being supportive and making each encounter a positive one.

The universe is so vast, yet scientists have discovered “conversations” from ancient times in long lost caves? Sound waves have been detected. Our words stay around for a very long time. (Which of your words linger???)

Not only do our words seem to remain forever but so do our actions. I say, let’s turn our actions into possibilities for the future generations. Let’s embrace possibilities not only for ourselves but for those around us. Who shall we impact today with what we do?

I very seldom catch television shows but wouldn’t you know it, the day the television was on I saw a bit of Dr. Phil. The show was on the dramatic impact of actions and words performed by others who hurt people both young and old.

Was it done on purpose; I do not know but nonetheless the damage was done. It was so very real to the people who were the recipients of such harsh treatment.

There is so much good for us to live in. There is so much hope for us to live in. There are so many promises for us to claim. These are just lying and waiting to be picked up and used. It is all for you….believe and receive.

When we see all of the possibilities we can create; there will be exciting opportunities for ourselves and for those around us.

We do have a responsibility to spread the goodness. There is a plan for each of us to carry out. Maybe yours is at your office, maybe in your home, maybe in the gym or maybe at the grocery. We are all different, each with a different role. But I do believe this, when we all come together we will create a “oneness” like no other.

An author by the name of Marcia Wieder has said, “Explore all possibilities, create extraordinary relationships and make every conversation count.”

It all matters….nothing is invisible to the One trained eye. Remember it is not all about any of us individually but about all of us collectively. We are the Body.

I’m feeling a group hug here. How about you???? I’m feeling it, hope you are too. Enjoy the difference that you are about to make. Nancy

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