Tuesday, March 31, 2009

The Good Idea/Are you alone?

Good morning my friends…..

Guess what I just realized? That March came in like a Lion and now it is going out like a Lamb. Oh….what a beautiful morning! Everybody sing…..

I think that I mentioned before that when my husband George was little, his Mom use to wake him up singing that song….HA HA he hates it to this day!!! I have to laugh!!!

In moving on…everyday we hear and see more “bad” news. Everything from gas prices, mortgage problems, cost of schools going up, loss of jobs, not enough clean water to drink, homeless people with and without children…the list goes on and on.

To quote a friend of mine…."so what to do?" At first I had to ponder this. Think, think, think…as Tigger does.

Do we just fold up….take our ball/doll and go home. Is the fun over? What about the song that says….”I think I’ll go eat worms, etc.” (YUCK!!!)

Well, that is not for me. How about you? Do you know; do you realize that there is more than what meets the eye? Do you know what is on the other side of your circumstance?

Probably not but I gotta’ tell ya’ what’s on the other side is better than just looking at the circumstance and feeling overwhelmed and defeated.

In these “hard economic” times we are not to run and say the sky is falling. We are too embrace what is happening and make a change with it. Take stock of where you are being hit and improve upon it. This is probably your wake up call. HELLO

I remember when I hit some low points in my life I felt like I was all alone. Well, no I wasn’t. Did I realize that at the time…..maybe not….but I’m here to tell ya”, you are not alone.

So much of life is revealed to us in its own time. When our Lord knows that we are ready to receive then He delivers.

Take all of our situations and challenges and make good on them. Examine how you fell down, where the pot holes may be and prepare yourself for what lies ahead. You have to come out of this…it is survival and we all want to survive….maybe even “more than survive????” I’m with you!

There is a plan – you are part of a plan whether or not you know it. The end result will be determined on how you handle your current situation. WOW – now there is a thought to think.

We have all been made a promise that says…."I will never leave you nor forsake you…" Joshua 1:5 and Hebrews 13:5 (NIV)

So you see, you are not alone and the answer to today’s tough questions – are but a question away….”JustAsk”.

In your darkest of worries and most desperate of times, do not worry or get anxious because He has promised to always be with us.

The difference can be made by keeping your eyes upward and not glued to today’s headlines. Rise above the crowd…be the difference that people notice….be the difference that God has called you to be. Nancy

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