Friday, March 6, 2009

Good Idea/Handshakes

Good morning to you…..

As I sit and work this morning I’m feeling a bit of cold surround me. (Understatement!!!) I say to myself, “I know that I turned the heat up this morning but it is getting colder.”

So I get up to check the thermostat, what - it reads 62 degrees and it is getting colder. I feel the register….cold air is blowing out. What to do? I call George. Now this is something which I know absolutely about. I praise God that I can call George.

Guess what he will be doing today? So in the mean time I can layer on the clothes and back to work I go. (These fingerless gloves come in handy!)

Today I’m thinking about taking someone at their word…you know, when your word was good enough…when a deal was made on a handshake.

Those days do not exist too much any more do they? Why? Because the trust is no longer there. These are not the days of old. We’ve all heard the stories of our parents and grand-parents…."Well back in my day a man’s handshake was good enough." I wonder when this ended.

I know in some business dealings which we have had; we’ve had to sign a contract to seal the agreement. Too bad because we should be able to take another’s word on a promise.

Even in marriage people have contracts signed just so that a feeling of security and peace are present. This is in case one of the partners decides to bail out. What a way to start a relationship, a marriage, signing papers just in case. I say if you have to sign those papers you better not get married. Looking for Plan B just in case Plan A doesn’t work – is this right?

I want integrity in my relationships whether they are personal or professional. The “real” world does not operate that way. Everyone needs to cover themselves because not all people are honest.

It seems that some people which we have an appointment with seem to be out for themselves and not out for the common good of all. I do believe that here in lies the doubt and deceit.

If we knew and could trust that all parties were in agreement with the over all plan then the handshake would work. There are too many people trying to scheme and get what rightfully doesn’t belong to them.

That is why we protect ourselves with contracts. Too bad I think. Too bad that a handshake is not what it use to be.

I know that I have mentioned to you before that I shake a person’s hand all wrong; (I’ve been told.) I’m too informal. Why? Because I wrap both of my hands around the other hand for the greeting. I’m truly glad to meet you and I show that. Even my handshake is all wrong…what’s up with that. Why are we so disconnected at times?

It’s all about connection, it’s all about warmth, it’s all about caring, it’s all about trust and honesty, it’s all about being real. Loving in a real way.

I would love to see more people getting close to others. Use both of your hands to shake just one. You’ll really take ‘em by surprise and it feels good too. HA HA…the difference that you will make. Nancy

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