Wednesday, March 4, 2009

The Good Idea/Strive for more

Good – good morning….

Let’s think about lunch? Do you ever get tired of the same old thing but you just don’t know what else you want? Alexa was that way this morning. Of course who can blame her…thinking about lunch at 7AM is a push for me also.

I told her that sometimes we have to expand our horizons and go for the turkey. I’ll find out later how she enjoyed the change.

Today I want to talk about reaching for the stars…just this morning this phrase was given to me…"Do not just get by – strive and seek more."

We cannot be complacent and expect something different in return. We should not just squeak by. We are called for a greater purpose and that is to want more, do more, be more and then to look for the opportunities to find more.

After finding “more” we are called to give more. Now I know you are saying, “enough with the giving more speech Nancy .” “I get it.”

Well I get it too but everyday something or someone comes into my path and it is like a new day….I say “Aha this is what it all means.”

Striving for something better. Striving to live a better life. Striving to make a bigger difference and striving for the betterment of our families.

It’s about developing something in your life which has been given to you and making it better. The picture comes to mind of being on a merry go round and reaching for the golden ring. Reach for it…make your life better by choosing to strive and seeking more of what He has provided.

This could be through personal reading, formal education, talking with your peers, entering into an informal study group and just going into private prayer yourself.

How can I make myself better? How can I help to improve my community? How can I be a better parent, spouse, child, student, worker…working to improve ones self is awesome.

So at this time maybe being the squeaky wheel is not called for…maybe we need to reach out and say I’m ready to make a change…I’m ready to make a difference…I’m ready for a better way. I believe that today is your day. Nancy

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