Friday, March 13, 2009

The Good Idea/Superstition

Good Friday the 13th…..

Seriously I mean it….good Friday the 13th! No problems here. No thinking of impending doom. No mishaps, no accidents, or problems because of this day or date. So happy Friday the 13th!

I find superstitions interesting….why are people superstitious? What has happened to make them this way?

I remember hearing of dos and don’ts of what to do while I was pregnant. I thought how silly; don’t look at certain animals, don’t go to certain places, walk backwards…I don’t know, I just made that one up, but they all seemed so silly to me. How do these things get started?

So I looked up the definition of superstition on the WorldNet….it says, “An irrational belief arising from ignorance or fear.” There you go….F E A R…false evidence appearing real.

If you stumble and fall today, if you choke on your lunch, if you bump the car in front of you; it is because you weren’t paying attention, or maybe you were in a hurry. It has nothing to do with this day or date.

At times we bring on our own trouble. My Mama use to say to me, “ Nancy , don’t go looking for trouble.”

Why do we have this impending doom hanging over us? Why do we have to think that something bad is going to happen….and why on Friday the 13th? What has this day ever done to us?

It’s like being superstitious of full moons or black cats. My children were born when the moon was full and they are beautiful. I’ve had many black cats run in front of me…I just chase them with the hopes of petting them.

Take what you are given and enjoy it. Don’t be afraid of it…God has given it to you to do something with…not to run from it.

Stand tall, be counted, and embrace this day. The day when good things happen to you…not when you recount the number of times that your Grandma said….don’t walk under that ladder. (I don’t know, maybe I believe that one…)

I’m going out to make a difference today….I’m looking for ways to make Friday the 13th positive for everyone! Enjoy…let’s forget about superstition and rejoice in another day that the Lord has given to us….. Nancy

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