Tuesday, March 10, 2009

The Good Idea/Positive People

Good morning my friends…..

Friends….I pray so…..why not friends I ask? We can be there for each other, we can be interested in each other and we can step out for each other. Friends-people who care.

This past weekend, my husband George and I attended a function that was, in my opinion, lavish and well put together. You could tell that time was spent in preparation and planning.

Before the event began the planners were scurrying about making sure that all was right and that the players were in place. There was excitement…the kind of excitement that left one just a little chilly with clamminess.

You could see smiles for miles and lots of hugs, hand shakes, and “how’s it going buddy” talk.

George and I participated in this event so we could not leave our area but we could observe from where we were. The movement through the night gave us great pleasure.

People were just down right happy. People were friendly, open, they wanted to share, and they were positive in their thinking, talking, and actions. It was great to see.

Did it last, I don’t know but for the moment we were on one wave length and it felt really good.

There are many, many positive motivated individuals in this world. These are the people who truly want to make a difference. (Kristi) They are ready to go in a moments notice and turn the hand of help. They want to be a part of the big picture. Doing good for someone else.

You can tell who they are the moment that you meet them. There is something in their soul that tells you that they are different. It is that “something” that says, “oh pick me….pick me….I want to help.” This makes me grin really big. I can so easily relate. This is that rainbow that I live in. What a great place to be and so easy to get there.

Positive people will turn the world on its ear. Positive people will always be there in a moment’s notice. Positive people will be the true movers and shakers.

Why are positive people different? They operate differently because they believe before they see and they live outside of their circumstance. WOW – living outside of you, knowing that it is not all about us.

It is about being positive not only for ourselves but for the other person. This positive “stuff” rubs off so easily……gotta’ get some if you don’t have it.

Guaranteed to put a smile on your face and a skip in your step!!! Be light on your feet as you go about making a difference in a positive way!!!! Nancy

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