Thursday, March 12, 2009

The Good Idea/Chit-Chat

Good good morning…

So sorry to have missed you yesterday. I took the day off and played a little hooky with my kids. Gotta’ do it every now and then!

Today let’s talk about “chit-chat.” You know that little talk, talk, talk-sometimes it can make you crazy.

Sometimes there is so much around me that I tune it out, run outside, or just say, “Will you please be quiet for a moment or two.”

But on the other hand “chit-chat” is just fine. Sometimes we need to have conversations with others that will not put us in a place of stress. I do consider these conversations to be fun at times.

Many times we “chit-chat” with others just to catch up. Many times we “chit-chat” with strangers whom we want to make conversation with. Many times we “chit-chat” while at an appointment just to make the time pass.

It doesn’t have to be big, just something to say to be friendly and approachable. There is a lot of “chit-chatting” going on while getting ones hair done. There is "chit-chat" in the dental chair....of course not by the one getting their teeth worked on.

These are fun times. Times to literally let your hair down. Time to put your feet up, be pampered and have a good “how are ya’” conversation. “Chit-chat.”

Now “chit-chat” can drive some people totally crazy. They may say, “If you have nothing important to say, then don’t take up my time.” A little harsh you may say, true I think, but we have to be respectful of another’s time and watch when we speak.

Often times I think that people speak only to hear themselves. I think this is true of many adults and children. I have found over the years that I need to be quiet rather than talkative in some situations. Sometimes it is better to listen then to talk. And your foot doesn’t go in your mouth as often!

Small conversations – “chit-chat” – its fun – it’s not threatening – its light – and it’s relaxing.

So I guess that my “chit-chatting” is over…time to let you go and get something done….but it has been fun, hasn’t it? Did I make a little bit of a difference today? Nancy

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