Tuesday, March 17, 2009

The Good Idea/Lights Shining

Good morning to all….

I stepped outside this morning and couldn’t believe my eyes….YUCK….worms on the driveway. It must be getting warmer out. The smell of worms
…no thank you.

In conversations recently; I’ve been talking about lights that shine. Not just any light…not a street light…not the light from a star…not a flashlight….not a candlelight…no….none of those….I’ve been talking about your own person light…what makes you shine?

Just this conversation alone makes me smile. Lights shining brightly out of us. What sets you aglow? What makes you exude joy, peace, contentment, love????

When others look at you do they see something shining in your eyes? Do your eyes sparkle? If not, why not?

We have so much at our fingertips to be glad about. We have such a promise to live and believe in….that should make you smile and glow.

My goal is to give off as much light as humanly possible. I do not want my lantern to burn out. I want it to be a beacon for others to see and wonder about. When they wonder, they will “JustAsk”.

We need to shine for others. We need to feel that shine ourselves which will bring on more light. We need to fill our lanterns with truth and promises of tomorrow so that we can continue on day by day.

This in filling of lantern oil does not happen by itself. No, we must “JustAsk” for it. We must surround ourselves with like minded people….people who believe.

A song just came to mind….do you remember or have you ever heard…"This little light of mine…I’m gonna’ let it shine…etc." There is truth in these words.

We need to burn brightly! We need to feel the Son shine! I found a quote by Mother Teresa. She said, “To keep a lamp burning, we have to keep putting oil in it.”

Fill yourself with goodness. Fill yourself with knowledge of His promises. Fill yourself with love and laughter…it’s the best medicine.

Shine brightly so that you will glow with hope and truth. And…as an added bonus…you will get that “Do you have a tan?” question from those that see color in your face.

OK…now I hear…..”Shine little glow worm…glitter, glitter...” Oh no, worms again!

Even in today’s sunlight, people will see you glow….this glow is different….this glow comes from within…feel it today and make a difference. Nancy

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