Thursday, March 5, 2009

The Good Idea/Trust

Good morning to all....

This morning George reminded me that this coming weekend we will loose 1 hour. (Spring forward) I start to calculate…OK, when I go to bed at 11PM it will be 12 midnight…oh, too late… got to get to bed earlier.

Isn’t it funny how we are governed by the clock? “Time is on my side, yes it is”…do you remember that song by the Rolling Stones? Ah…memories!

Today I want to talk about trust. Having trust or the lack of trust can put us at different places in our lives.

We all know that we are who we are because of circumstances and situations in our lives that have shaped and molded us.

For me I found it difficult to trust because of a confidence being broken by a friend of mine. I would not confide in another person outside of my family for a very long time. In looking back I see how foolish that was because we were just children but nonetheless I learned a valuable lesson.

That lesson is to be discerning. We must look at each situation and person with wisdom and stretch our thoughts out to what could happen if I confide at this present time.

With time and maturity I grew to trust again. I’m careful not to speak out of turn or to speak of things that need not be discussed.

Sometimes I think we run with our mouths so much so that more comes out than should come out.

I also believe that a lot depends on your circle of friends. Who makes up that circle? Are they trustworthy, dependable, loyal, faithful, interested in your well being, loving, caring and selfless?

Are they with you for the long haul or just short term runners. (Runners - that may be the key word here.)

We also find trust when we give trust. You know this is the “you get what you give” theory. How true. My Mama would say, “ Nancy what goes around comes around.” Sometimes I would sit just to watch that thing come around! HA HA

Trust, what a beautiful thing when you can fully trust another person. You then know that whatever you go through, your partner, your confident will be by your side. That is trust and true love. It is what we are called for…true love that comes with trust.

I have found awesome trust within my family and now with a more than wonderful circle of friends. We can be open and honest with each other because we know that love and trust go hand in hand.

I encourage you all to show your trustworthiness and loyalty today….this just might make the difference. Nancy

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