Monday, March 23, 2009

The Good Idea/Anger

Good morning everyone….

Isn’t it such a bright and beautiful morning? This morning I saw a “puffed-out” Robin sitting on our deck railing. She was in no hurry to move; just soaking up the sun-shine and I believe looking for a place to roost. What a great time of season that we are heading into.

Today I feel a need to tackle a subject which some of us might be dealing with. It is anger. Anger, it brings such a dark connotation with it, doesn’t it?

Anger, it can make us physically sick, it can hurt a heart, it can raise blood pressure, it destroys families, and it can cause headaches, stomach aches, anxiousness, depression, and rage. Now I ask you….who wants it?

I don’t know of one person who wants “anger” but I can tell you of several people who live in anger. WOW – here is a stronghold that someone needs to break out of.

What makes us angry? What has made us so defensive? Why do we feel that we must be the first one to “put up our dukes?” Where is the threat coming from?

The Bible tells us in: Ephesians 4:26-27 (New International Version - UK )
26 In your anger do not sin: Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry, 27 and do not give the devil a foothold.

Anger, put it away. Find a place to get rid of it. Talk with someone you trust, someone you love and who loves you. My Mama use to tell me, “ Nancy never go to bed angry.”

We all get a bit sideways from time to time…..but let it go. This anger will eat you up alive. And once again, we have touched on this before, who do you hurt when you are eaten up with anger? We hurt only ourselves.

I’ve seen people prowl around in anger like they are waiting to devour someone. Not a pretty picture! Look at what anger can do….what it does.

OK, I’m being reminded once again that I live in a rainbow. Yes, and again I say, so true. But there is nothing wrong with that. I choose joy over sorrow; I choose joy over anger why, because I want something better for my life and the life of my family.

Don’t be eaten up alive in anger. Give it a rest; put it not only aside but totally out of your life. Can it be done, you bet it can!! “JustAsk” and the way will be shown.

Remember the commercial that said…."Don’t get mad…get Glad". I do believe that they were onto something there!!!

Enjoy your lovely day and start trading that anger in for gladness and you will make such a difference in your life. Nancy

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