Friday, March 20, 2009

The Good Idea/Grieving

Good First Day of Spring Day….

Pardon my delay today but I thought it appropriate to wait until it “officially” turned spring before I greeted you with such. So happy spring time to all!!!

My big question is….does it still snow in the spring? Yes it does….and we’ve seen the flakes to prove it. This only proves that God’s timing is different from our timing.

Today I am grieving along with many other people. I’m carrying this grief on top of me like a cloak. We have had a couple of auto accidents around my county which has left several young adults in very critical condition. We lost one dear girl yesterday so my heartfelt prayers go out to the family and friends of Taylor . God bless you all in your time of sadness and grief. May you find total peace and comfort in the arms of our most gracious Lord.

Yesterday I was asked to join a few of my dear friends and visit the hospital to pray for the accident victims. I felt totally honored to be asked into this mission.

No matter how much you prepare yourself for what is to be; the more you realize that you are not prepared at all. Not prepared by yourself anyway.

You get all panicked and wonder just wonder….how am I going to do this? What am I going to say? OH….I cannot do this…..!

Then, a peace comes over you, a peace that surpasses all understanding and you just “do.”

This comes over you like a quiet confidence. This is a confidence that comes in knowing that “you” are not the one who will be speaking and guiding the grieving family members and friends. We are there to share His word and to share in His promises.

Yesterday I did not say much; I was just there to help support and to show my love and concern for all that were present.

Sometimes we are called out of our comfort zone to do something that we would never think twice about doing. At least voluntarily doing anyway.

It is in these times of weakness and doubts that our Lord God reaches inside of us and says “you can do it, I need for you to do this, this is your assignment, and do this in My name.”

We find out that we do have the strength….it is in our weakness that He gives His strength. So when people say, “oh I can’t do that…” I reply, “Yes you can.”

Do not give up because you feel ill equipped. You are fully equipped when He sends you forth.

As I said yesterday, these children, these young adults, are not just someone’s child….they belong to all of us….they are “our” children. They are “His” children.

There will be recovery and there will be joy, even great joy…but to feel the great joy; one must experience great sadness. That is where the families are now.

I grieve with you, I cry with you, and I will rejoice with you. We are supporting each other through life journeys. Once you are there for another person…it is then that you will feel the difference. Nancy

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