Thursday, March 19, 2009

The Good Idea/Small beginnings

And a good morning to you…..

Today could be one of those days that if I don’t physically jump up and down I just might take a little nap. Ever have one of those days that you woke up more tired than when you went to bed? What do we do during our sleep? Most interesting I think.

I want to share with you that a couple of friends of mine are having babies. How wonderful and exciting of times for the entire family. The birth of new life….that in itself is absolutely too big to wrap my mind around.

Just to think of humble and small beginnings. Something so small that will make such a huge impact in their lives.

There is an American Proverb that says, “From small beginnings come great things.” Isn’t this so true?

You can take this Proverb in many different directions. How about an idea? From its conception in your mind; a great Company is born. From a speck of sugar; the medicine goes down. From a smile across the room; a relationship is started. Small but oh so powerful.

We all start out slow. It is a process which must be accomplished in order to develop into the desired dream.

As children we slowly get up, walk a little, run a little, then before you know it, we are making decisions and having children of our own. From a small beginning!

I don’t believe that we should ever criticize someone for not being further along than they are. It’s nurturing a seed, it takes time to grow and flourish. It’s about meeting another person where they are and not expecting them to move too quickly.

A small beginning….a small step….some might think that this is insignificant but I say it all matters.

I remember that a person once told me that being a beginner soccer player was not exciting. It only gets exciting when you are well versed in the game. I totally disagree with that person.

It’s exciting on all levels. Isn’t it exciting to see your child run around the field trying to figure it out? They are so cute and innocent. These are precious times. Do not dismiss it because it is a beginning. I believe that the person who told me this has missed out on a lot.

Enjoy your beginnings no matter how small. To the person dreaming the dream…it is huge! Let’s rejoice and know that big things are about to happen.

Can you feel the birthing pains????? The difference is on its way. Nancy

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