Monday, March 16, 2009

The Good Idea/Feeling free?

Hello & Good morning….

Feeling a bit better out there today, isn’t it? While walking to school this morning with my daughter, she caught hold of a bird’s song and started whistling back…… beautiful I thought…..harmony singing in the morning!

I want to share with you a conversation that I have been having with several people recently and I have been reading up on this particular topic a lot.

It is called forgiveness. A big deal for many; so big that they just cannot do it.

This lack of forgiveness leads to sleepless nights, stomach problems, lack of self confidence, anger, resentment, and a general bad attitude.

I find that people who do not forgive are also defensive at times and aggressive at others. They feel as if they have a score to settle and they will not stop until they do.

How do I know this? I use to be one of them. I might have mentioned this before but I held onto unforgiveness for a while. It almost ate me alive. I did not want to let go. It made the pain all too real. I really felt as if the person that I was angry with felt “my wrath”….they could have cared less!

While seething in my anger I heard….."If you forgive people their sins, your Father in heaven will forgive your sins also." Matthew 6:14.

GULP!!!! That is huge!!! So I asked what am I holding onto and for what? Just to punish the other person. This person did not even know nor did they care. So, who was I hurting….ME!!!

I learned to let go. I had a meltdown and said….I’m sorry and I forgive. Seriously!!! What a load was lifted. My shoulders no longer hurt and I felt truly alive. More than I have in my entire life! What a feeling of freedom.

Do you know freedom? Real freedom? It comes with forgiveness.

If you feel as if you just can’t forgive someone (or yourself) on your own…that is more than OK. Here is what you do – you “JustAsk” the good Lord to do it for you. With faith it will be done.

Let’s not hold onto past mistakes and guilt ridden thoughts. This type of thinking will get you no where fast.

It’s like anything else that we do….you have to want to do it. You have to want something better for yourself. You have to want to break free of the hold of unforgiveness and ensure yourself in right standing. It is about you and your life.

Give up on holding a grudge. Seek forgiveness for yourself and others and forgiveness will be granted. It is so freeing… delightful!!!

We should examine ourselves and find out what is holding us back from enjoying a full life….is it a lack of forgiveness? Time to turn that in and begin again… will make such a tremendous difference in your life….Nancy

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