Tuesday, March 24, 2009

The Good Idea/Glad Heart

Good morning to all…..

My daughter was home from college a couple of weeks ago for spring break and she and I went shopping. (Don’t tell George.) Well Sarah talked me into buying a pair of very comfortable, over sized knit type pants. I thought they would be good to just relax in and maybe even get my day started in.

She bought a pair herself and I saw her wearing them a lot while she was home. She even wore them outside. So this morning I slipped them on and proceeded to take our youngest over to school. Cold? Oh my gosh, there is nothing to this knit material. Seriously how could Sarah wear these out on chilly mornings? I’m thinking maybe it is just me, maybe my blood is running slower these days. Don’t tell me that it is time for Geritol????? (If you don’t remember, don’t ask HA HA.)

Today I want to talk about your heart and where it might be. Is your heart in the projects that you are committed to? Is your heart open to love and suggestions? Is your heart full of compassion for your fellow man? Do you have a giving heart or a closed heart?

If you heart isn’t in it….don’t do it. If you cannot give with a gracious and glad heart, don’t give.

You gotta’ feel it. You gotta’ be full of love and the want to be in service to make a difference in your life and in others.

So many times we just do because that it what we “should” do. When that happens we become sour over our commitment. We become resentful, angry, and the grumbling begins.

We should do all things with gladness in our hearts. Why that is even required of us in the Bible.

This struck me again yesterday because I “had” to do some domestic work. Well I was feeling like Cinderella!

I could almost feel the grumbling beginning deep in my stomach….Why me, why now, why this, why that… come on, enough. I said forgive me Father, I thank you that I have a house to clean and a family to care for. (Watch our words!)

Immediately I found my happy heart. I found my gladness and thankfulness and I began to have such joy in my heart! Why I worked at such speed I lost total track of time. I was truly a content and happy hearted person. I realized what I was doing and then thanked the good Lord for His blessings.

Put your heart into all that you do. It feels Wonderful! And also remember being Cinderella is not a bad thing at all….she gets the Prince, doesn’t she? And that makes all the difference! Nancy

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