Thursday, April 30, 2009

The Good Idea/For Sure?

Good morning to all…..

I must tell you that each and every day that I sit with you I have a bird sitting on my lap. Yes it is true. Her name is Sammy and she is a Cockatiel. Spoiled you ask? Perhaps so but she is content and feeling oh so safe.

My Alexa was saying yesterday…."so and so wanted a pet and they got a dog"…. then again “so and so wanted a pet and they got a dog”…."we wanted a pet and we got a BIRD!" Do you think Alexa is totally happy with this???? All I can tell you is that I do not have to walk this pet outside! I win!!!

I want to share a funny thing that happened yesterday to George and me. This is about reading and hearing the same thing but getting a different understanding of it. Now this could get
one into trouble.

We both received an e-mail yesterday and began to share with each other our understanding of it. Well, what I received in understanding and what George received totally changed the meaning of the e-mail.

We both laughed and said, “Isn’t it funny how we read the same thing but understand the words so differently.”

How do misunderstandings take place; how are people misquoted? It is because we all see things in a different light. Thank goodness we are not always harmed by our misunderstanding of the spoken or written word.

Now George still says “how can you dispute data/truth?” Well he has a point there but it always happens. We have our own mind and our own thoughts. We have our own will and our own discernment. Sometimes this is where the problems lie.

So we end up saying…"What did I miss?" “What did they say?” “I didn’t read it that way?” “Really?”

It is too funny sometimes. George and I just look at each other in utter surprise and say, “that is not what they meant.” Just like we know for sure!!! Then George takes a stand and says…"now you see why I tell you how the clock was made."

Here’s to knowing For Sure... Enjoy your most wonderful day and go out there and make a difference. Nancy (What does she mean by that???)

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

The Good Idea/Home

Hello and Good morning!

Don’t you just love the sound of “Good Morning?” What a way to start your day. When “Good Morning” is spoken in an upbeat fashion it just puts a smile on your face and a spring in your step. Does this only happen to me???? I even feel better when I express “Good Morning” in a sing-song way. (My family says this is what I do…I think I might annoy them.)

Oh well, “I gotta’ be me…” as the song goes.

Today I want to talk about “home.” Yes, the home that you live in. It is your structure that keeps you safe and warm and happy and content. When you say the word “home” what feeling does that give to you? I pray a good feeling.

George and I had a conversation on “coming home” and how good that feels. When you are tired mentally or physically, when you are cold, when you are too hot or when you just need a place to sit down…isn’t “home” a wonderful place?

You can also see a need for “home” on someone’s face. You just know by looking at a person that they need to go “home.” They have a need to re-juice themselves, fill up again and get ready to step back out.

The comforts of that couch, the warmth of small blankets that you just throw over your legs, small lights glowing in the corner…."home" a safe place to be when you are done with your day. “HOME” the place you want to be when it is all said and done.

Many people do not have a safe “home.” Many people are crying out for a soft place to land. There is such a place where the safety net is so big that you cannot see the corners. This is the real “HOME!”

My hope for those who do not have a warm and safe place to land is that you will soon smell the cinnamon baking in the over, you will see the candles lit and the blankets on your bed are always fluffy and oh so comfy!

There is a place called “HOME” if you JustAsk. I love coming “home,” it is the place where goodness begins! Enjoy this day and I pray that you too love your home….what a difference it makes. Nancy

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

The Good Idea/Leaving behind?

Good morning….

The keys on my computer are keeping time with a bird’s song outdoors. I do not know if he hears me or I hear him….we are both in sync. Nature’s rhythm; we are one. I just pray now that the bird does not go into warp speed because my fingers will not be able to keep up!

So let’s start…I know that we have all heard the expression about today being a gift….it is called the present. I have spoken on this myself, but have we really thought about it?

What are we doing in this day? What strides are we making in regards to fulfilling our purpose? What are people remembering about us?

We can waste it away or we can accomplish something great in it. I remember a partial quote by an unknown author that says, “When tomorrow comes, this day will be gone forever; in its place is something that you have left behind…let it be something good.”

Fear vs. courage, happiness vs. sadness, patience vs. impatience, selfishness vs. unselfishness, and love vs. hate. Where are you placing yourself today?

What will be remembered about you today? Will you look back on this day and say to yourself, “What a great day I had….I feel so good about all the things that I did.” Not to be boastful but to be confident in the fact that you put others first and became a servant.

When we get to tomorrow let us not look back upon today with regret of how we could have done it better. What we could have said that would have made such a big difference in another’s life.

Let us look back onto today and know that we are leaving behind a good memory of a job well done.

There shall be no regrets when you lay your head on your pillow tonight. No regrets when you walk in love and in the light of our Lord.

Be happy and be productive today. Your happiness tomorrow will be determined by what you leave behind today. If you need to make a difference in your day…start now, it is never too late. Nancy

Monday, April 27, 2009

The Good Idea/Just The Way You Are

Good morning my friends….

What a glorious day and what a glorious weekend that we had. I even spent some time on the deck pretending to be on the beach. Talk about a stretch!!!! Imagination, boy it can take you places!

I better not talk about this too much or George will think that the deck is good enough and not take me anywhere.

Something has been tugging at my heart recently. It is something that was the topic of conversation that I had with a friend of mine just this morning.

You may be asking what is it? (Or maybe not!) Anyway I have to share. It is accepting each other for who we are and not how we look. There you go. Is it all about the packaging? I dare to say no.

Oh the feelings that get hurt. It starts when we are children and sometimes follows us through adulthood. I have to say…come on now!

We are all created in His image; however we come in different packages. Each unique to his own and we should all celebrate the differences.

I see children being made fun of, being hurt, being the topic of conversation just because they may look a little different.

Some may be too talk, too small, hair too long, hair too short, a round face, a square face, long fingers, academically challenged or academically advanced.

Do we not have better things to do than to poke “fun” at another? I believe that this starts at home. What are we saying to our children about acceptance of others? Even acceptance of ourselves?

We must be confident in who we are and how we were made. There is a special ness to each and every one of us and that needs to be celebrated. Not made fun of.

With careless words spoken, fingers pointed and laughter heard much damage can be done. It is time to stop hurting each other and start accepting each other for the spectacular gifts that God has given to us. Each is unique and quite lovely.

If you are a little different…WE ALL ARE…celebrate that! I celebrate with you and I think you are great. You bring so much to the table.

Let’s enjoy each other and let’s raise our children up to be accepting and open to individuality. Talk about a world of difference being made! YEAH!!! Nancy

Friday, April 24, 2009

The Good Idea/When you don't expect it

Good afternoon to all…..

I’ve just settled myself down from a day of running here and there and there and here. Oh my gosh….if I could clock my miles today I bet we would find out that I am secretly a marathon runner!!!!! HA HA Really!!!

I do not want the day to escape me without checking in and being present with you. I feel it important at least, to share with you a little of what is on my mind today.

It is about never-ever giving up. Believing that good things can happen to you. It doesn’t matter your circumstance or position….when you least expect it, someone can come knocking on your door and say….I have something for you.

George and I were blessed today when we least expected it. We were left with our mouths open and reeling in His blessings. WOW!

When you believe in your blessings, when you believe in His word, when you believe that it is for you….then great things do happen. Just look at this beautiful day….a blessing delivered from above.

Embrace this journey called life and capture each moment. It is waiting for you to believe in and live in.

Have a wonderful weekend full of surprises and joy. I can see the difference being made from here. Nancy

Thursday, April 23, 2009

The Good Idea/Confrontations

Good morning to all…..

Our oldest daughter is leaving for Florida this weekend and as I go outside and feel the “chilly” morning I cry out….”Take me with you!” I’m being called to feel the warmth of the beach….I’m sure of it!

I want to share with you today something that we have all experienced and will continue to experience as long as we live. It is called confrontation. OH….I so dislike confrontation. I’ve never been good at it and I probably never will be. Why you may ask…..because I don’t like it.

When we feel a certain way about a situation or person; I think that we have to ask ourselves why? Why do I feel the way I feel about this or that? Maybe your experiences regarding the situation or in this case; confrontation have always been negative.

I find confrontation to be loud and overpowering. Too much in my face, too much authority is being shoved around and too much finger pointing. Doesn’t sound pleasant, does it?

OK, how do we change “in your face” confrontations into a pleasant experience? Well first of all, I have to change the name to “conversations.” Yes, that is better for me…less threatening.

Next relax and be calm. Sometimes we worry so much about a “conversation” that we get all worked up and the problem is bigger than it really is. So – relax. Experience deep breathing and treat yourself to a cool drink.

Next be honest with the person that you want to talk with. Do not come on too strong, too pushy and not angry. Approach softly and with love in your heart, in your words, in your actions and in your demeanor. My Mama use to say, “ Nancy you will get more with honey then you will with vinegar.” (I bet your Mama said that also!)

Positive confrontation is so important that you can find it talked about in the Bible….Luke 17:3 (NJB) “If your brother does something wrong, rebuke him and, if he is sorry, forgive him.” There you go. Simple as that!

Let’s remember that the next time we need to have a “conversation” with someone, enter lightly, and put a smile on your face and a peace offering in your hand. Talk about making a difference in the outcome. Enjoy your day today - Nancy

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

The Good Idea/Adaptability

Good morning everyone…..

The first thing I did this morning when I came down stairs was to look out our back door. I saw a most beautiful sight. The sun was shining brightly on my newly prepared garden. The soil in the garden and the grass around the garden was glistening with water from recent rains. How beautiful to see freshness like this. How beautiful to see life springing forth in the mist.

Then I glanced to the East and saw the Son shining so eagerly around the bend. There is a proclamation to all that the promise of a fresh day is here. I thank you Lord for the glories of your hand.

Recently I’ve been thinking about adaptability. Am I truly adaptable? Are you really adaptable? How far will and can we stretch? How much are you willing to change?

The reason for this pondering … hair dryer broke again this past Sunday and I’ve been using George’s. Have you ever used someone else’s hair dryer? It just doesn’t work, does it?

It is like when you are traveling and you use the hotel’s hair dryer. (Wind tunnel) Please, I look like I’ve been traveling on a motor cycle at warp speed without a helmet! I’m telling ya’, it ain’t pretty!!!

At this point in time I do not have a backup…well except for George’s. And…I’m very grateful for that! Really!!!

I see that I need to adapt to this situation and make the best of it until George can lay hands on it and fix it. That is unless I can make it to Target before George finds out. Anyway…..I need to do something.

There are times in our lives and there will be more of them when we just need to “go with the punches.” We need to adapt to whatever is thrown at us. We will survive, we are more than conquerors!

I’ve thought before, “What would I do if I put the coffee on in the morning and the pot broke?” What would I do? I would adapt…yes I would ….I would go next door and use hers!

Life does throw curve balls from time to time. How are you handling yours? Are they hitting you or are you ducking and adjusting?

I plan on ducking and adjusting…I’m going to Target! I’m going to have to ask George, “How do you dry your hair with that thing????”

So I have made a difference today – a difference in my look. It is all good, just don’t point and stare when you see me. Enjoy your day and make your difference count. Nancy

Monday, April 20, 2009

The Good Idea/Purpose & Destiny

Good morning everyone….

Isn’t it a wonderful thing to open your eyes in the morning knowing that you have the whole day ahead of you to do something great?

We’ve all been given the same amount of time to work and play in and I pray each and every day that I will use it all wisely. But I must confess I’m still working on it.

Today I want to share with you what has been “following” me around lately. You know what I mean….one day you see a beautiful car and you say to yourself, “Why I’ve never seen that color before.” Then the next 10 cars are that same color.

Or you read a line in a book or the newspaper and then you see it in 4 other publications. “Things” just keep following you around. How does this happen? I believe it is because your Creator wants you to get a message so He delivers it in a couple different ways.

Take for an example….."Purpose and Destiny."

That’s it… "Purpose and Destiny." If I’ve read about this once, I’ve read and heard about it several times over the past two weeks. Finding your purpose ….. I’ve even written about it in my book JustAsk…Let Your Spirit Guide You.

What is my purpose? What is my destiny? Questions that we have all had and we are still asking. We all want to know what we should be doing and where we are going.

Remember as a child or even an adult….laying in the grass, hands behind your head, one leg crossed over the other and you voice out loud…."What is my purpose?" "Why am I here?"

We’ve all done this; we’ve all pondered these big questions. Did you get your answer? Are you still working on your answer?

Do not be disturbed if you have found yourself a little older in this quest. I’m a little older (just a little bit!) and I just discovered it a few years ago.

Am I working my purpose? I do believe so. Am I aiming toward my destiny? I do believe so. You see your purpose is what you are doing while headed for your destiny.

God has given us all a destiny. Destiny is a place to work toward while working your purpose here and now.

Do you love what you are doing? Do you find a passion in what you are doing? Does it give you a good feeling and a confirmation in your heart? Then you are working your purpose while striving to fulfill your destiny.

We are all marching on. What direction are you going in? “JustAsk” for your purpose and destiny to be revealed to you. It will be revealed when you believe and know in your heart that there is something so much more for you!

When you discover your one true purpose and destiny a huge difference will be made in your life and the lives around you. Enjoy the journey….. Nancy

Friday, April 17, 2009

The Good Idea/Busy?

Yes…it is a good morning indeed!

Today when I walked our youngest up to school I did not want to come inside. This is the type of day that I do not want to end. Are you aware that Glory is being shared with us? This is beautiful….."Little bit of Heaven!"

As I have mentioned before, George and I have many discussions about a vast variety of subjects. I so love our time together. We talk so much and share so much that when one of us has to leave; I feel like I am being robbed of time with him.

I have so many reasons for wanting to be with him and talk with him. One of the reasons is that when we talk; I am so inspired to think further on a subject. George challenges me with topics that become the focus of our discussions. He is so good to me! Thank you George Robert.

Why did I get so mushy and tell you all of this? Well, because it leads me into what I want to share with you today. It is what George and I have been talking about. (Thanks for being patient!)

Our lives are busy, aren’t they? Why? It is because of family, work and social demands. Why do we allow ourselves to be subject to so much pressure?

Well, one reason may be that our lives are just the way they are because we have some things that we gotta’ do. Another reason may be because we are running from something and if we stay real busy we do not have to face an issue.

For instance, like going home….some people do not want to go home because their life there is not all that rosy. So what do they do? They take on so much extra time consuming projects; they appear so busy that they do not have to face what is bothering them.

Oops, is that you? Are you being too busy to deal with the real issues? Skirting the issues….as “they” say.

To be busy in many cases is real and justified. You just have to get certain things done but are you being busy so that you do not have to feel the real things in your life that are displeasing to you? If so, it is time to “put the cards on the table” and deal with them.

I know of people who make themselves busy just to look busy….they are scrambling around like little ants. Are we running toward something or away from something? Hum….

May I suggest today that we run toward something….how about out into this glorious day? You just might feel the Son shine on your face and that will make the difference! Nancy

Thursday, April 16, 2009

The Good Idea/Regrets?

Good Morning and Oh Happy Day!

Seriously, have you been outside yet? If not, I strongly urge you to venture out and enjoy this most beautiful morning. Yea, that’s what I’m talkin’ about! YIPPEE

“These are the days my friend…etc...” George and I were talking this morning about fully realizing the beauty and blessings in life. We said that you cannot truly be grateful until you see the other side. How good is it until you know how bad it can be?

Through the mist, through the clouds, through the dreariness of the days, we emerge into a glorious Son filled day! There is more to this then meets the eye! But we will save that for another day!

Which leads me right into a quote I read by Ralph Waldo Emerson, “You cannot do a kindness too soon, for you never know how soon it will be too late.”

We are talking about not having any regrets. How many times do we regret the things that we have not done. This holds especially true when someone passes on and we say, “oh I should have done this…I should have said that.”

We beat ourselves up because of our stubbornness to make amends or just to say I love you! Why do we beat ourselves up? Because we know that it is wrong.

How many of us think that we are bullet proof? How many of us think that we have from here to eternity to be kind, to make amends, to make a difference in our lives or the lives around us.

Too many I would venture to say. This is something that one has to work on…but don’t take too long because we are not the master of our time. And if you do not believe that just talk to others who want just one more moment to say “I love you”…to say “I forgive you”….to ask, “Please forgive me.”

Life is so precious; life is a gift that can be dissolved in an instant. I’ve had four of my family members pass away and I will tell you that I have no regrets. I loved them and they knew it; I spent time with them and we enjoyed each other and I will hold their memories so close to my heart. I can smile when I think of them because I have no regrets. There are no “could haves and should haves.”

We need to be prepared in love. We need to walk in love, talk in love and hold each other in love. That is the Father’s love. I believe “LOVE” should make the world go round. Enjoy your sunny day and walk in love without any regrets. You will see the difference that it makes. Nancy

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

The Good Idea/Inch by Inch

Hello and Good morning…

We have another day of rain which tells me that we will have beautiful flowers and green grass this season.

Our son has started mowing the grass already and to hear him complain you would think that we are asking him to mow the White House lawn by hand. We tell him that by doing this he is building character. It’s not going over too big. HA HA

Let’s talk about taking things a step at a time. Let’s talk about doing things on a day by day basis. By not doing too much at once you will not become overwhelmed.

I compare this with teaching a child how to tie his shoes. I remember when we taught our children we had to take it in steps. There was a time I went through the whole thing and I got this look. Oops too much too soon.

This can also be compared to eating. What happens when we put too much in our mouths at once? We naturally choke. We shouldn’t take on that much at once. Our body is saying, too much, too soon, can’t breath! And….you look like a squirrel!

It can be so difficult to hold back and not to do it all at once. When we rush through; when we attempt to complete it all at one time; the possibility of doing it wrong is very high. My goodness, we miss the experience, the taste, the view and quite possibly the reason for the whole task. We become robot like, mechanical without the happy feeling of “hey I accomplished it.”

In our lives there can be so much to do that we want to get it all done at once. You know, get it over with so that we can move on. This will create anxiousness and nervousness.

When we are given a task to do, the time for it will be allotted for it. We probably rush because we feel that if we don’t we will not complete it. And…heaven knows that we probably have a bazillion more things waiting for us.

Time to slow down; grab a cup of coffee or tea or your favorite “energy” drink and remember this little poem….”Inch by inch, life’s a cinch. Yard by yard life is hard.” (Unknown)

Or this one by George Robert – “How do you eat an elephant?” (Author, probably someone else) We will ask our children this and they have heard it enough to respond…"one bite at a time."

So if you have an elephant in your life…..take one bite at a time and before long he is gone. Enjoy eating today. You can chomp away and make a difference. Nancy

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

The Good Idea/To hard to continue?

Good morning everyone –

I’m working here with two sweaters on, long socks, and the heat up. (Is this April?) I look outside my window and see a most wonderful sight. There sitting in a tree is a very beautiful, dark red Cardinal. I say thank you Lord for this promise of warmth soon to come!

Then to add “insult to injury” as my Mama would say, I spoke with one of my Sisters over the phone and she tells me that it is going to be in the 80’s today where she lives. That’s OK….our time will soon come.

Today I would like to pose a question for you to ponder. Do you feel that if something is “too hard” to get or accomplish; that it means you are not supposed to have it?

There are many theories on this one. Some say, “Nothing worth having comes easy.” and “If you struggle too much, you better let it go.”

Do you see the common idea here…..”Easy.” Whoever said that life would be easy? It is through our struggles and strides that we grow into who we are. Yes, sometimes it comes easier than others but in other times we must work at it.

So how do we decipher whether or not we should hang in there or forgo it all and start with something else? That answer is easy….you “JustAsk.”

We do not have all of the answers, why I would even venture to say that we do not have a hint on most of the questions. There is an all-knowing Source where the questions are already answered. Do I continue, do I quit? Or do I take the guess work out of it and hand those questions over to the One who knows.

I feel that it is true that all things come with a price and some of those prices are harder to come by than others. However, if that is where you are to be then you must hang in there because “joy will come in the morning.” (Psalm 30:5 NKJV)

Not all things come easy and that is called growth….to grow is good. It shows development and character. I have heard that sometimes the more difficult the situation….the bigger the reward in the end.

Does it really matter what our thoughts are on this one way or the other? What matters is that we do not give up too soon or too easily. The answer may just be around the corner. So hang in there in whatever you may be facing today because you might just be the one to make the difference. Nancy

Monday, April 13, 2009

The Good Idea/Success Story

Good morning to all….

What a beautiful day. Be sure to spend some time in it…you will love it! I began my exercising outside today and how wonderful it was! I saw such beautiful skies, felt so much crisp air and watched as birds danced around with each other. Spring has sprung!

This weekend I was reading about Ray Kroc, the founder of McDonald’s and he definitely has had a remarkable life. Ray Kroc has never given up. He persevered through odd jobs and physical ailments. He knew that something greater was waiting for him.

This is what Ray Kroc said, “I was 52 years old. I had diabetes and incipient arthritis. I had lost my gall bladder and most of my thyroid gland in earlier campaigns, but I was convinced that the best was ahead of me.”

WOW – talk about a success story.

What about your success story? What have you had to overcome to get where you are today? We all have stories and some of those stories have been responsible in catapulting us to the next level.

I myself have never given up. I always believed that there was more. I might have stumbled from time to time but I always believed.

You see, even when “life” deals us “a not so pretty hand”….we can still rise above it, walk through it and achieve success when we believe that God has more for us. He does.

Ray Kroc, he use to be a paper cup salesman, real estate broker, piano player and milk shake mixer. There was not a job too small for him.

What did you use to be? Where have you come from and where are you going?

If your journey has not been what you hoped it would have been; then look ahead with hope and belief in your heart and move forward. Change only comes to those that believe. And when you believe….a difference will be made. Nancy

Friday, April 10, 2009

The Good Idea/Rise Up

Happy Easter to all….

“This is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it.” Psalm 118:24
How true…we are headed for a triumphant entry!

As I sit at my desk I look upon a most beautiful arrangement of flowers. Just outside my door there sits an antique wash basin. In this wash basin I have placed an arrangement of tulips.

When I received these tulips from one of my friends this week; they were not opened. I could tell by their strong stalks and straight forms that they were going to be beautiful. What I did not know was what color they were. I was looking forward to this surprise.

As the week progressed I could see tiny openings begin to burst forth color. The promise was getting me excited to see the rest.

My friend told me that by Easter the tulips would be in full bloom. “They will rise up to the occasion” he said. They have done just that. This is just like the promise made many, many years ago -

2 Corinthians 4:14 (NASB)
14 knowing that He who raised the Lord Jesus will raise us also with Jesus and will present us with you.

My prayer for you is that you have a blessed and glorious Easter celebration. After the bunnies have been unwrapped, after the eggs have been found (that is important!), after the cards have been distributed; I pray that you will think on the TRUE meaning of Easter and thank our Lord and Savior for his sacrifice….because He loves us so very much!

This is a time to rejoice because the promises are being fulfilled. By the way, the colors of the tulips are a beautiful shading of pink. How did my friend know that pink was my favorite color?

Happy Easter to you all and may God bless you on this most magnificent of celebrations! Resurrection Sunday…talk about a difference that has been made! Nancy

Thursday, April 9, 2009

The Good Idea/"Yeah, whatever"

Good blessed morning….

What a day to be alive. The sun is shining, the soft breeze blows and the birds are making ready for new life. We are entering into the time of new hope, new life and new love. This is so exciting!!!

This day is also when Spring Break starts for my younger children…so the office is full of fun, laughter, questions, dancing and that’s just from me! OK down to business.

So here goes, have you ever heard the expression, (and I know you have) “Oh yeah, whatever.” I really dislike that saying….it is so non-committal and so disrespectful.

Life and what happens in it is worthy of taking notice. I’m not saying that everything that happens is worth remembering…but it is worth taking notice of. Why? Because that something was put there for a reason. It is not for us to always understand; it is for us to always trust in His way.

I believe that we need to become more childlike….not childish….more childlike. Let go of that pent up, hard core exterior and become childlike and ready to take on wonder.

Don’t you find that sometimes throughout our day we get so tired of our very existence? It is because we are seeing everything for the 1000 time. Well open your eyes and see it new for the first time. Become an active participant of your life and see what lies ahead of you. See what you can do with this gift called time.

"Be bright eyed and bushy tailed"…as my Mama would say….

Let’s get excited about life. We only live it once…let’s go for the glory!!! We can do so much with what has been given, with what is given and with what is going to be given. Reach up, take and rejoice….for this is the day!!!

Open your eyes with fresh wonder….be childlike and see the beauty behind every situation. It is there if only we dare to look.

Enjoy your day today….. I need to get back to the joy which is spilling out all over my office. OK kids, I’m coming!!! I’m going to make a difference today, how about you? Nancy

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

The Good Idea/Ceiling and Floor

Hello and Good morning!

What a great day! A day full of surprises and promises! I’m looking around every corner for opportunities and keeping my expectations high. “I’m walking on sunshine….woooah….and don’t it feel good?” What ever happened to Katrina and The Waves???? Have I asked that before?

Today I want to talk about doing it “better.” Yes, doing it “better” then before. Doing it “better” then the one that went before you.

If you are a parent then this you understand. We want “better” for our children then we had it. We want “better” for our children then the way we are doing it.

We want to see them excel. We want to see them arrive at new heights. That is it….making our ceiling of accomplishments their floor!!!!

Now the next generation or even the person close to you has a starting point. Start at my ceiling. (Not that I have reached it yet!!)

For example…my Alexa has asked me, “How do you type so fast on the computer?” Well I tell her that she has to practice.

Those of you who grew up with regular typewriters remember this….."Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country." HA HA….remember that???

I must have typed this a million times in typing class. (Oh, memory lane…) Anyway it is about practice, practice and more practice.

I tell Alexa how I came to be where I am. So I say, “Alexa just practice a lot and you will be faster and more accurate than I am.” She will use my ceiling as her floor. I just love this.

George likes to look at it this way….the telephone – let’s say that the old crank style of years ago was the ceiling “back then.” Nothing could beat it until someone came along and had another vision which took the crank style into another level – and so on. It just keeps getting better and better.

Let’s build on what has already been done. George keeps saying, “No need to reinvent the wheel.” (He seems very familiar with those “old” things, doesn’t he?)

It is wonderful to know that we have a place to start. Find someone doing what you want to do and use their expertise to fuel your dreams and desires. (Their ceiling) Pass on the good works that you have accomplished and the world will go around and around.

Once I tried using my mother-in-law’s ceiling as my floor to start painting murals….she said, “Give the paint brush back to me!” OK….so it doesn’t work every time!!

Limits, we really do not have any…some just do it better than others! I hope that you have a glorious day today. Here’s to reaching new heights…let’s raise the bar, shall we? Oh, what a difference that will make. Nancy

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

The Good Idea/Impact

Good morning everyone….

WOW – What a time I am having….as I put my thoughts down I’m listening to Andre Bocelli. It is actually a bit difficult doing it this way. I just want to stop and listen and enjoy. I do believe that he has been my inspiration this morning. I am convinced that this is how the angels sound. YES, sing to me!!!!

I’ve been thinking about the impact that we make on others. Is this impact negative or positive? What we say and do….do they really make a difference? A resounding YES!!!

To think that what we say or do not say or what we do or do not do doesn’t make an impact on someone is just wrong thinking. Period.

Sometimes we say, “Oh no big deal, they won’t remember or they will understand where I’m coming from.” Oops….the damage has already been done.

We want to create an atmosphere of growth and love and possibilities. We can do this by being supportive and making each encounter a positive one.

The universe is so vast, yet scientists have discovered “conversations” from ancient times in long lost caves? Sound waves have been detected. Our words stay around for a very long time. (Which of your words linger???)

Not only do our words seem to remain forever but so do our actions. I say, let’s turn our actions into possibilities for the future generations. Let’s embrace possibilities not only for ourselves but for those around us. Who shall we impact today with what we do?

I very seldom catch television shows but wouldn’t you know it, the day the television was on I saw a bit of Dr. Phil. The show was on the dramatic impact of actions and words performed by others who hurt people both young and old.

Was it done on purpose; I do not know but nonetheless the damage was done. It was so very real to the people who were the recipients of such harsh treatment.

There is so much good for us to live in. There is so much hope for us to live in. There are so many promises for us to claim. These are just lying and waiting to be picked up and used. It is all for you….believe and receive.

When we see all of the possibilities we can create; there will be exciting opportunities for ourselves and for those around us.

We do have a responsibility to spread the goodness. There is a plan for each of us to carry out. Maybe yours is at your office, maybe in your home, maybe in the gym or maybe at the grocery. We are all different, each with a different role. But I do believe this, when we all come together we will create a “oneness” like no other.

An author by the name of Marcia Wieder has said, “Explore all possibilities, create extraordinary relationships and make every conversation count.”

It all matters….nothing is invisible to the One trained eye. Remember it is not all about any of us individually but about all of us collectively. We are the Body.

I’m feeling a group hug here. How about you???? I’m feeling it, hope you are too. Enjoy the difference that you are about to make. Nancy

Monday, April 6, 2009

The Good Idea/Service

Good morning my friends….

What a way to start the week; a little rain, a few clouds and now the sun is out. I love it when it is mixed up a bit. “There’s a surprise in every box.”

I participated in a service project this weekend and I have to let you know that the love and generosity of others overwhelms me.

I’ve seen hearts open up, wallets open up and genuine concern overflow. WOW – compassion is not dead. Sometimes is may sleep for a bit, get refreshed but when it returns it returns ten-fold! AMEN, it is great!

We may feel at times that we have “no more” to give. We say, “I’m spent.” “I cannot go another step.” “I cannot give another penny.” HA HA….then you are called upon and you give, give, and give!

I’ve seen the love in people’s hearts. I've seen the gratitude which comes forth when we help others. And the best part…this giving makes us happy.

Albert Schweitzer said, “Life becomes harder for us when we live for others, but it also becomes richer and happier.”

I’ve taken on the burdens of others, haven’t you? Is it hard? You bet. You get caught up in the situation and before long you are living it. You are crying it. You are looking for ways to get out…..then you feel a sense of peace come over you.

When we get involved with others; we are taking on the task of what is asked of us. We are helping out our fellow man….and isn’t that what we have been talking about for a while now?

True happiness and contentment come from being in service to others. Look what this does; it not only helps out your fellow friend(s) it also gets your mind off of yourself.

I’ve heard some say, “I didn’t know how good I had it until I started helping others.” By being in service, it helps to put your life into perspective. Maybe just maybe things in our lives are not so bad after all.

We concentrate so much on ourselves; our needs, wants, and desires that we loose hold of the fact that we are really in the want of nothing.

Haven’t so many of us been blessed by His goodness? If that is you, are you sharing it? Are you doing something with that blessing besides holding onto it? We need to spread it like the farmer getting his field ready.

Spread the joy, spread the love, spread the wealth…..give of yourself until you can’t stand the happiness any longer. You are smiling so much, our face hurts.

People will say. “What is wrong with you?” You will say, “Absolutely nothing, what can I do for you?” Talk about making a difference….! Enjoy all that you do today. Nancy

Thursday, April 2, 2009

The Good Idea/Preparations

Good day to all…..

I’ve almost lost the morning time…where has the time gone to again???? Just an update from yesterday, Matthew got us “back” from our April Fools joke on him. Last night he taped the handle down on the sprayer at the sink. When George and I turned the faucet on it sprayed us….HA HA…our look must have been priceless. Matthew is still laughing this morning. Good going Matthew…. you make us laugh!

Today I want to talk about preparation. Preparation – how ready are you? How well do you prepare for your day, your speech, your presentation or your tests?

This week our kids have had numerous tests…all of which they had to study for. We study a few days before, the night before and again in the morning. The kids prepare for what is to come.

Going into a job presentation, George prepares with documents, spread sheets (he loves doing this…) and he reads up on publications that deal with his subject matter.

When I step out I am prepared with the information needed but also I am lead quite often by inspiration.

However we all do it, it is done. We cannot advance on life just helter-skelter. We must plan for how it is to come about. What do you want to say, what do you want to convey and how do you want to do it? The planning process – important to the outcome.

One must be ready and prepared for each and every battle that they experience. If we are not prepared then we will be defeated. Simple as that.

All great speakers prepare ahead of time; corporate executives prepare before the big meeting, ministers prepare before they preach, teachers prepare their lessons. It is about being effective and holding someone’s attention.

Henry Ford once said, “Before everything else, getting ready is the secret of success.” This man probably knew the truth inside and out.

When you are prepared you present yourself in such a way that others will know that you are ready for them. We respect others when we are prepared.

Sometimes we have to prepare for the unexpected. I believe that we do this by standing in integrity and never surrendering the truth.

I say let’s do our homework, prepare for what we have to do. If I’ve come to listen I want to know that you are ready for me.

So in preparation - it is my desire to always deliver to you what I have prepared in advance for and in what I have been inspired to share.

Enjoy your day and get yourself ready…sometimes the preparations are the best part. When you show up ready, the difference will be noticed. Nancy

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

The Good Idea/Gossip

Good morning to all…..

Today is April 1st…..April Fools Day….the day where people try to fool others with practical jokes and gags. Have you been “had” yet? We started off on a good note this morning....we played a little “school is canceled” joke on Matthew and he was not to happy when we said April Fools. He was beginning to plan out a day of fun for himself when we told him the truth. Too funny!

On days like today it is so much fun to play little jokes on each other. It makes us laugh but we also question why we could be caught like that. We go to bed thinking …OK tomorrow is April Fools Day so I will be ready…then what happens, we get caught.

When the little innocent fun goes to far however people do get hurt. This leads me into the topic of gossip.

Gossip is something that we have all been guilty of one way or another. We may think that talking about someone as long as they don’t know it won’t hurt them, but it does the greatest of damage.

Spreading rumors, telling stories, breaking confidences….it is all gossip and if we are guilty then we just have to stop.

What good does it do? If you participate in gossip; is it to take the other person down or to build yourself up?

There are times when this happens so innocently. Like the times when we are genuinely concerned for someone so we talk to other people about it….out of love we say.

This gets blown up like a huge balloon and before long it has traveled far and wide. We find out that the original message is not what was spoken at all.

Gossip, no matter how you look at it, it is bad. It has destructive power….it has the power to destroy and kill.

I do not know of one person who likes being talked about do you? Yesterday while getting into my car in a parking lot I overhead a woman talking on her cell phone about another person that she had issues with.

My thought was, “I’m glad I’m not that person.” WOW – Too upset about something and what good was she doing speaking that way?

Once again it is our words. I’ve learned to choose mine very carefully. Words have such power to heal or destroy. I’m not sure we all believe in that so we do not put much thought into it. It is so true though.

What’s that saying ….? "Loose lips sink ships."

Someone once asked me, “If I cannot talk about those people, then what do I talk about?” I answered, “Silence is golden.”

Having fun with someone is wonderful as long as it is not hurtful or malicious. We have to watch our words and how they are delivered. Gossip, it is not for us…not for us who want to make a difference. Nancy