Friday, October 30, 2009

The Good Idea/Love

Good morning and happy Friday…

As I sit here preparing myself for our time together; I gaze out the window and see beautiful splashes of color across the yard. Trees have lost their leaves and now these leaves are arranging themselves into a work of art. God’s coloring is absolutely amazing.

Let’s talk about “Love” today…. more specifically what we do for love. We can do crazy things for love can’t we? We have heard all kinds of stories regarding how people show love for one another.

Some of these stories are funny and some are heart warming. Men bring flowers and candy to the women they love. (Women accept them…because of love. HA HA) Women will cook and clean for their men because they love them.

We care for our children and all of their needs because we love them. Children love us so they shower us with hugs and kisses and sometimes challenges!

I shared with a friend of mine just how much I “loved” George in the growing stages of our relationship. Now you all know how much I dislike worms…well I did the ultimate for George.

He graciously took me fishing on his boat one day and I cut up the blood worms for bait. Oh my goodness – what got into me that day???? LOVE

The small things also count…like being the first one in the morning to make the coffee. (Thank you George.) How about starting the car on cold mornings just so I don’t freeze. (Thank you George) Spreading rose pedals down the stairs on our Anniversary…oh that was BIG! (Thank you George.)

Love, it comes in many ways. The important thing is that it comes. Love is to be given away. Love is a hug that never stops holding on.

I remembered the song, “What I did for love” from the musical “A Chorus Line”…Kiss today goodbye. And point me t'ward tomorrow. We did what we had to do. Won't forget, can't regret what I did for love. Are you all singing???

I know the story of someone who so LOVED the world that He gave His only Son…For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16 (NIV)

Now this is love eternal. The greatest love that there is.
Go out there and love on somebody today. Let someone love on you. It could make a difference. Nancy

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