Monday, October 5, 2009

The Good Idea/The Walking Wounded

Good morning to all…..

Oh happy day! Do you feel “it?” “It” is in the air. The breeze blowing, the Son shining, the comfortable temperature and work has begun. We are so blessed aren’t we? Let’s make it a day worth remembering.

And let’s get started….today I want to talk about the “walking wounded.”

These are the people who have wounds so deep that not many people notice them. The “walking wounded” they have smiles on their faces, laughter in their voice and deep eyes that may show hurt if you are willing to look.

The “walking wounded” they are not just on the battle field. They are all around us. They may be the server at the restaurant, the teller at the bank, the cashier at the grocery, the singer in the band, your co-worker, your dentist, doctor, next door neighbor…maybe you.

While at a restaurant once I witnessed a table of patrons who were visibly not having a good evening. The server got the brunt of their anger. What about the server, what was he going through? Did this table of patrons even consider this? I have to say no. Was this fair, I have to say no.

This weekend while I was out shopping an irate customer was complaining that there was not enough help at the store. The ladies behind the counter were doing their best to help everyone. Unfortunately not everyone noticed that.

So in the midst of being “yelled” at for not moving fast enough, did anyone consider what these ladies might be up against. I must compliment them; they did not show any anger toward this customer. They kept their composure and I admire that. (And I told them so.)

I just want to ask that next time we feel the need to unload on someone, consider the person and take into account what they may be going through. What are they struggling with? Maybe when we show them love and compassion and say, “that it is alright” we might just be giving them love and hope. Just what we are called to do.

It is not about us – it is about Him and what we can do for others. We are so blessed, let’s pass that on. If the world did this – oh my, what a difference we would see. It could start with us. Nancy

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