Wednesday, October 21, 2009

The Good Idea/Ways of the World

Good morning….

My hope is that you are all off to a great start this morning. My household is off and running with smiles on….and I’m OK with that!

A question was posed to me that I want to ask you…..are your ways the ways of the world?

Have you heard the expression…."They dance to the beat of a different drummer?" Is that you? I do believe that that expression suits me just fine.

I do not want to be like the world. I want to be different and I embrace that difference with excitement and joy.

Look around for a moment – is that what you want? I see hunger, anger, hurt, disappointment, anxiousness, fear, illness, cheating…well you get the picture.

Just because this is around us doesn’t mean that we have to participate. It has been a struggle at times – not fitting in – but the rewards of knowing that you are doing it right makes such a big difference.

I no longer care if I fit in or not. Actually I do not want to fit in. I want to help out. I want to be of assistance. I want to be there when you call. I want to serve, not be served.

Remember the movie “The Stepford Wives?” That is not how I see myself. I believe in standing up for what is right, calling forth truth and living it. This is not a casual way to live but an active way to live.

We live right by doing right. As I see it the “world” does not “always” live right. We have gotten off track here…..we are out of balance. It is time to set the scales right.

Whew – don’t you just love pointed questions????

I want you to know that the difference you make today will make all of the difference tomorrow. May you have a wonderful day! Nancy

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