Tuesday, October 6, 2009

The Good Idea/Hungry for Life

Good morning everyone….

Don’t you love it when you look at the clock and you realize that time has traveled so fast that you cannot believe your eyes. Your day is moving quickly; you say yes, then you say, oh no, I can’t get everything done…where has the time gone?

At the store, I asked a cashier "How is your day going?" they said, “Great, I only have an hour or so left.” That is how their day is measured. I walked away thinking - is that all that there is? One hour or so left?

I have to ask, how can we enjoy where we are at if we are looking forward to the next hour? Don’t we lose something in looking ahead and not be present in the present? And then again I can see looking ahead when you are at….let’s say the dentist!

Today I want to share with you a story that includes my youngest daughter. Last evening she attended an event at a retirement home. The children gathered and helped the residents play games, distribute gifts and share stories.

This was an excellent way to spread joy and love; to share stories, and become family if just for a bit.

They all laughed together, held hands, smiled, hugged, got their cheeks pinched and the children were called “life.”

How true…some people just bring life to us. It is either by their mere age, their energy, their enthusiasm, their quest for more, their innocence and their ability to make us laugh.

I am blessed to have children around me always. Sometimes it does get tiring but that just reminds me that I must perk up, wake up and enjoy more than I do at times. It shows us how we shouldn’t take ourselves to seriously at times.

Life is love and laughter. Life is sharing and caring. Life is blessing each other with blessings. Life is opening us up to not only receiving but also giving.

These children last night gave of their time and themselves. They truly enjoyed themselves. The residents enjoyed the children. My daughter’s hand was held and kissed, her cheeks were pinched…..she delivered life to someone who may have thought it was all lost.

Are you delivering life to others or taking it away. Are you giving and receiving? Are you allowing the blessings to flow?

If I may suggest… may we not only speak life into each situation but let us deliver life into each situation. Someone is waiting for our smile. Go ahead – brighten someone’s day….you could make the difference. Nancy

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