Tuesday, October 13, 2009

The Good Idea/Doing it for others

Good morning my friends…..

Oh what a day, running here, running there, sending this out, receiving this in and before you know it you say, “Whew, what is happening?” What am I accomplishing?

Today I want to share with you time given out to others. I mean real meaningful time. Not just a quick “hi, how are ya’… hoping you do not answer because I do not have the time.”

We’ve all been there. We’ve all had it done to us and we have done it to others. I’ve even said, “Well if you don’t want to know then why bother asking?”

Do we inquire of others because it is the socially acceptable thing to do? Do we inquire about others because we really do care? Do we have time to really care?

I’ll answer that with – we better have the time to care.

I’m finding out more and more that I need to put others before myself. When I put others before myself; all kinds of wonderful things happen. When you care for someone, someone cares for you.

Just recently while caring for a friend of mine; I received a gift back which blessed me tremendously. I did not do this for a favor in return; I did this because my heart told me to. I gave not expecting to receive anything back.

I put someone first before my needs. I cared for another person who I saw needed help. When you have needed help, was someone there? Have you been a help when someone needed you? Yes even when they asked for help in moving???? (How many friends do we have then?)

There is need; great need all over the place. Can we reach everyone, no. We can however, reach the person next door, down the street, around the corner and even in our own homes.

I saw a quote by Albert Schweitzer that said, “Life become harder for us when we live for others, but it also becomes richer and happier.”

This is so true. I’m sitting on piles of “stuff” to do…..guess what I am doing. I’m answering the phone, I’m listening, I’m offering and I’m blessing. My “stuff” is waiting and that is OK….my “stuff” will always be there and the person calling may not be.

So may I suggest that we give of our time in joyful abundance? This opportunity may only come by once and you might be that person’s life line.

I’m taking the time to say, “I’m here….what can I do for you.” Enjoy this lovely day and I pray that you are there for someone when they call and someone is there for you when you call. I already feel a difference in the air. Nancy

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