Thursday, October 1, 2009

The Good Idea/Authentic

Good morning my friends….

What is better than fitting into your jeans from last year? I can’t think of much more than that! YIPPEE….oh wait a minute – these are stretch! Never mind.

Today I want to talk about being authentic. We even see advertisements about being authentic.

The on-line definition of authentic is - 1. Conforming to fact and therefore worthy of trust, reliance, or belief.
2. Having a claimed and verifiable origin or authorship; not counterfeit or copied.

We are talking about the “real deal” here. No substitutes, no phony replicas…the “real deal.”

Not putting on a pretense. It is being who we are; who we were created to be.

How many times have we changed ourselves just to suit others? I know that I have done this before. How about you? Of course we have….we want to be accepted, acknowledged and approved of. At times we are or were afraid of non-acceptance if we were different.

Then you reach a point in time when you are confident enough in yourself to be who you really are. I’m not sure that everyone gets here though.

When we are authentic in our beings then I believe that we exude trust. We are someone who is real, someone who stands tall and can be depended on. Why? Because there isn’t a lot of guess work with someone who is authentic.

I so enjoy being around people who are real, don’t you? You can then be yourself with them; let your hair down and show them truth.

We have all been created beautifully so why not be that authentic beauty and shine with what God has given us?

Don’t be afraid to be real. It is really quite refreshing and natural. Authentic – the difference between butter and margarine and we all know which one is healthier. Go for the authentic stuff – it is really better for you. You will see the difference. Nancy

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