Friday, October 9, 2009

The Good Idea/Painful memories

Good morning my friends….

Here we are ready to face another day of giving and making a difference. We started our day very early this morning. I’m not sure why we all woke up so early but I have great expectations for this day. Let’s get started –

It’s been put on my heart to speak about “painful memories.” Oops, it even hurts to say those words. Who wants to go there? Not me. However I sense that someone somewhere is struggling and needs some encouragement.

What do we do with “painful memories?” Some people run and hide. Some people deny they even exist. Some people suffer through their memories. Some shed “painful memories” off like they never happened. Some “JustAsk” for help and they get it.

I’ve seen the fear on people’s faces when faced with a memory of time gone by. These are deep, deep wounds that need to be dealt with. So how do we do this?

We start by seeking out advice from someone who is trained in such an area. We start out by talking with people who have gone through the same experiences which you have gone through.

We start out by letting go of the blame (which includes you) and seeking the truth which can be found in the “JustAsking.”

I see so many people suffering with “painful memories.” They feel trapped in by them. They feel unable to control their thoughts. They don’t let go….maybe they don’t want to. Maybe letting go is too scary. Why? Because this person does not know how else to feel.

My belief is that we are to be whole and wholesome! We are to seek counsel and rise above any “painful memories” which may be holding us down or even breaking us up. These memories are squelching our desires to move forward.

So to those who are hurting and under “painful memories” may I suggest a way of coming out? We start by “JustAsking” for help and direction. There is a different way, there is a right way and there is a perfect way. This way leads to success.
Happiness is just around the corner if you are willing to ask for it. We need not be held down by what has happened. We need to joyfully seek the way out. “JustAsk”…the difference can be yours for the asking. Nancy

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