Thursday, October 22, 2009

The Good Idea/To the Rescue

Good morning my friends….

Have you ever had the phone call that says…"Help me?" I would venture a guess and say yes; you have had that phone call.

Let’s talk about “to the rescue” today. We can come to the rescue so many different ways. The bottom line is that “we come to the rescue” when asked.

We can run over to someone, we can call someone, we can provide prayer, food, comfort, shelter, love, money, advice, hugs, smiles and chocolate chip cookies.

There are many ways in which we can “rescue” someone. Isn’t it “funny” how we rely on each other from time to time to help us out?

Sometimes we just need someone with skin on to comfort us. We know that our Lord is always with us, helping us, comforting us and providing for us. To have someone in our lives to embrace us is the sign that our God is with us.

This is called “Love!” Out of love we run to one another. Out of love we give thanks for each other. Out of love for Him we love on each other.

Sometimes you just gotta’ put your differences down and look at the big picture. If you don’t do it; than who will? You may be the only one. You may be the one to make the difference.

I believe that sometimes we view life so casually that we do not put any importance into the fact that we may be the one to help out another. Too many times we say, “oh so and so will get that.” Well, what if “so and so” doesn’t “get that?” “Oops – should’ve done that myself”…we say.

May I suggest that when you hear the voice of someone calling out saying “help me,” run to the rescue….you will be given the resources if you just step out and rely on His help to guide you. I say….”JustAsk”.

We are going to make a difference today because today we run “to the rescue.” Enjoy your fabulous journey. Nancy

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