Thursday, October 15, 2009

The Good Idea/Victory

Hello and Good morning….

The simple sweetness of a morning smile can make you joyful all day long. Are you feeling that today? If not, I give you a good morning greeting that you shall run with all day long.

I spoke with my “Mom” this morning and she told me that a Blue Jay landed on their deck. Wow - for this time of year. This bird must like the chilly rainy weather or it is a bit lost. Either way it made a lovely vision for this morning.

My son Matthew has set the stage for today. He received a magazine which I have been glancing at. It of course is a sports magazine. If it’s not about sports or eating, he doesn’t look at it. HA HA

Nike has an advertisement which caught my attention. It reads, “VICTORY is paid for in SWEAT, COURAGE and PREPARATION.”

This of course is in reference to sports but I applied it to everyday life. We are all looking for victory, aren’t we? We all want to win. But are all of us willing to put in the necessary elements to make it come to life?

So let’s break this down…."Victory" = winning, "Sweat" = hard work, "Courage" = stepping out, believing, standing tall, and "preparation" = getting ready for the task.

Looks like a full days work to me. I want to win, I want the victory and I will do what it takes to get there. I will do all that is expected of me as long as it does not hurt someone else.

We read stories of special people who "give all they have." They want to win; they want to do more than just survive. What about you? I read these stories, I watch their performances and I say, "If they can do it, so can I."

Sometimes we sit for so long on “easy street” that the thought of getting up and putting forth energy is almost too much to bear. We say "I’ll do it next time."

The time is now. The way must be paved. We need the "VICTORY" now. There may be a price to be paid…just like Nike has said…"sweat, courage and preparation." I say "JustAsk."

No matter what we do, no matter where we go, we should always be prepared. We perform best when we are prepared. Sometimes we know when it is coming and sometimes we don’t. If we are prepared we will be ready no matter what.
Put your time in – it will pay off. Let’s invest in our futures, our dreams, our victories. The winning is in the doing. Oh, what a difference. Nancy

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