Tuesday, October 27, 2009

The Good Idea/Giving

Good morning to all….

I ran across this quote today and loved it so I wanted to share this with you….

A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity of every difficulty.
Winston Churchill

Isn’t this what we talk about…turning stumbling blocks into stepping stones. Come on….this is great stuff!

Recently George and I have been talking about giving to charities and other organizations. I’m sure you have had similar thoughts and discussions as to what you should do.

Many people are looking for financial help these days. Many of us are asking ourselves…just who do we give too? What will they do with the money?

We cannot give to everyone…to every organization. So we must seek out where our hearts lead us. Where is God directing you to help out? We find this out by “JustAsking.”

In time of need we must give. By giving to others we are actually helping ourselves. Someday, somewhere the “favor” will be returned.

Where are you being led? We are streamlining and “JustAsking” what we should do. We need to make it all count. We need to make a difference not only with our money but with our actions as well.

May I suggest that before you write out that check, “JustAsk” if this is what the Lord would have you sow into?

Such a difference will be made if you are where you are “supposed” to be. Nancy

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