Monday, October 19, 2009

The Good Idea/Encourager

Good morning….

As I put my thoughts together for today I hear the message…"be an encourager." OK so I ask encourager for what? “Everything.”

Now that is a pretty big order – “encourager for everything.” I will however do my best.

My first question is, what are you going through today? What mountains are you climbing? What rocks are you turning over? What are you dodging?

Who has said that “you can’t do that?” Who is asking “why?” Who has closed the door before you have had a chance to walk through it?

Someone somewhere is closing off dreams and desires for a better life, a better way. Someone somewhere is shutting down the hope for today and tomorrow.

This has to stop. I say that “yes you can go through that door.” You can step out in your dreams and desires to make a life – a better life for you and your family.

So many times people are “beaten” down by the talk and thoughts of others. Who are we to judge someone else? We can encourage and advise (if we are qualified) others who want to move forward. We can, more importantly, set the example of what is to be and what is to come.

You are special just the way you are. You are special in your thoughts and actions. No one does it quite like you. You were designed for a “special ness” all your own.

A side step - I'm hearing "Nobody Does it Better" by Carly Simon (James Bond, The Spy Who Loves Me)..."Nobody does it better - nobody does it quite the way you do...Baby, you're the best....) Ahhh - take me back!

You have something to give and share. You have a dream to fulfill. You must believe in yourself and what has been placed inside of you. “JustAsk” for guidance and a clear path. It is waiting for you.

When you find this “clear path”…the path to truth….then nothing or no-one can stop you. You will be on your way to fulfilling your mission. I encourage you today to examine your thoughts and motives. Why are you doing what you are doing? What is it that you want?

The world is waiting for the one invention that makes all of the difference….could they be waiting for you for fulfill your dream? It’s possible - oh yes, it is possible!

Dare to dream….better yet…dare to fulfill that dream! I encourage you today to make a difference. Nancy

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