Friday, October 23, 2009

The Good Idea/Coming back Home

Good morning to all…..

What a surprise I had last night….

I received a call from my oldest daughter about 9:30ish PM….she asked, “Mom what would make you soooo happy?” I said, “A white Mercedes in my driveway just for me.”

She said, “It’s on its way.” Oh happy day….then I thought no, can’t be….she must be coming home! YIPPEE.

Now I knew she was coming home this weekend but I did not expect her so soon. What a surprise; I get to have her with me for a bit longer. Time for some “girl” stuff!

No sign of the Mercedes yet…I’m still waiting for that phone call. HA HA (No, really!)

Let’s talk about our loved ones today. These are the ones who go away either to school or move away from home for good.

I remember moving out of my home when I was 19. I was kind of young yet but ready to move on. Not because I disliked being at home, I loved being at home. It was just time to move out on my own. I do believe that my relationship with my Mom grew much closer after I moved out.

It seemed like we were always together sharing thoughts, ideas and I was always asking advice. I know that she loved that as much as I did.

Isn’t it funny that sometimes distance makes us closer? We now want to be with each other not because we have to be together but because we want to be together.

Do you have children who are away at school or who have moved out? I pray that you enjoy their company so much when they come back home. Or if you are the one who has moved out; I pray that you enjoy going back home.

Dorothy said, “There is no place like home.” I do believe it. Embrace the ones who have left and ask them back…at least for a visit! The generations will continue to come and when the stories are shared about “home” make your stories warm and memorable.

I’m out the door now – time to enjoy some “girl time” with my oldest. (I’m thinking shopping, breakfast, more shopping!) George, I’m just “kidding!”

Enjoy all that you do today and remember to make a difference in someone’s life. Nancy

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