Wednesday, October 14, 2009

The Good Idea/Don't lose sight

Good morning to all….

A nip in the air today has me asking- “where are my socks?” I so admire people who have their change of season clothes all ready to go. You know who you are. Your cold wear is ready to come out of the closet clean, fresh smelling and ready to do its job.

As I stumble around looking for socks I keep thinking, “I have to do something about this.”

I’ll just move on with today’s thought and hope that heat will fall on my feet.

There are many people who lose sight of where they are going, what they want and what they believe in. How do I know? I know because I speak with many people who are looking for the answers.

Some seem to let go of their dreams and desires because these desires and dreams have not come into fruition. Hope seems to have diminished.

I believe that we as humans want a quick fix. We want it now. We are use to that. We live in a disposable society.

It even affects our children. They want the answers now without doing the research. (I’ve been guilty of that myself…how about you?)

Since we want it now and many times it doesn’t happen now – we become anxious and lose sight of what we hope for and dream of. But I’m here to say “don’t lose that sight.”

Stay fixed on your dreams and desires. Many times we lose those dreams and desires because we let them go. We no longer believe that they are going to come to pass. We hang our heads, we kick the dirt, we say, “that will never happen, it has taken too long.”

Do we control our time? Do we control what happens to us? Sometimes yes. Just by our giving up, by our not believing in truth, by not having FAITH; we encourage just the opposite of what we hope for.

I say do not take your eyes off of what you desire. Be strong in your faith that what you have asked for God has heard. Be patient and know that your voice will not go unanswered.

The panic button is not one to push when you are waiting. We need to push the FAITH button and leave it up to the Lord. Why worry about these things….He is in control.

So I am hoping a worry-free day for you. Take heed and give it up. Do not run and panic, be still, keep your visions and good things will happen for you. You will see the difference. Nancy

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