Tuesday, October 20, 2009

The Good Idea/Death

Good morning everyone….

Today I want to share with you a thought on “things we don’t like to talk about.”

One topic in particular is death. The death of a friend, a friend’s loved one, a family member, an acquaintance, and a neighbor, the person at the store or a distance relative. How do we tackle this one?

I have actually seen people run away from this. They have run away from talking with a person who has lost a loved one. And you can forget about them going to the funeral home to pay their last respects.

I know that this is a personal decision so please do not misunderstand me…I’m not suggesting that you go to the funeral home if you are not comfortable with that….what I am saying is that a phone call would be most comforting and acceptable.

I have even experienced it in my own life. I have lost several family members and some of my “closest” friends have yet to say something to me.

I hear, “oh what could I say,” “I don’t know what to say,”….you get the picture. I say maybe you don’t have to say anything at all – how about a hug which says I’m sorry and what can I do for you?

I remember while at a family funeral I was thinking how nice it would be just to see someone that you care for. I use to say, if “so and so” would just call and say “hi”…that is all that I need. No need for eloquent speeches, long winded messages…just “hi, I’m thinking of you.”

Someone that I have known for a few years has recently passed away and I spoke with her husband this morning. Was the call difficult to make…yes, but it is more difficult for the one that I was calling.

This gentleman said to me this morning, “ Nancy , you know no one prepares us for this part of our lives.” “What in life prepares us for death?”

I’m so glad that I made that call. I reached out in love and care and concern. How about you, do you reach out? Do you hold that emotion in and go forth just to comfort someone else? It is so worthwhile to love from where you are.

I find such comfort and peace in prayer not only during these times but in all times. If you can’t do it, if you can’t reach out “JustAsk” – He will give you the grace to do so. Someone may need to hear from you.
With loving thoughts and a smile in my heart for you…I wish you well. Enjoy the difference that you will make. Nanc
y (www.justaskbooks.com)

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