Wednesday, September 30, 2009

The Good Idea/I'm repeating

Good morning to all….

I never want it said that “she repeats herself.” I really try not to do that. But….sometimes a message comes to me that just won’t let go. That is where I am at today.

We’ve heard it before, I’ve spoken on it before and here it comes again…."Watch your words."

You say, “ Nancy that is so old.” Yes, I do know that but it keeps coming back and I am prompted to speak of it once again.

We hear it in small groups, we hear this message being spoken from the pulpit, and we read it in various publications…the Bible even states it…

Proverbs 18:21… Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruits. (NIV)

I have met with people who say out of the blue…."I’ve heard it is what and how we say something that matters." "WOW" – I say to myself.

I’ve been contemplating whether or not I should share this one again. This is what I decided. Someone somewhere needs to hear this. If not for the first time, if not for the second or if not only for confirmation – this is really important.

What do you speak over yourself? What do you speak over others? What do you speak over your job, your home, your friends, your health, your love and your faith?

Before you dismiss me as “yeah, yeah, yeah”…take one more look at your speech. Are you speaking life into your situations or are you speaking death?

It is so easy to fall into a rut and speak only of demise but turn that around and speak only of hope and promises.

Not only will your life turn around because you believe it to be so but you will feel so much better.

Let’s start today – proclaim promises over yourself, speak good news over yourself and believe that you shall receive according to your words. When your words are right; you will be right. “JustAsk”

Make a difference today by starting out with “YES!” You are great and you will make it! Nancy

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