Tuesday, September 15, 2009

The Good Idea/Forgive and Forget

Good morning my friends….

I greet you with openness and love this morning with a message that is on my heart.

Today I want to talk about the phrase, “forgive and forget.” How many of us do that? Oh we can forgive….but how many can forget? Can we have forgiveness if we do not forget? Do we truly forgive? These are questions which we must ask ourselves then examine ourselves for the true answers.

I’m sure most of us have experienced forgiving others in small things….but how about the big things? Where do you stand in your ability to forgive in the big things?

I’ll share a bit of myself with you at this time…In my past there is a failed marriage and I just could not forgive nor forget. I hung onto the anger through un-forgiveness….it felt good….it felt like the right thing to do.

I believed, at the time, that if I hung onto that un-forgiveness that un-forgetting…I would punish my ex more. Was I wrong? You bet I was wrong. I was only punishing myself more. I was putting that un-forgiveness and un-forgetfulness on myself…not on him. I’m not sure he even knew about it or cared. So who was I hurting?

When I discovered the truth about forgiving someone the walls came down and I became putty in His hands. OK so now I forgave….but could I forget? Yes, I did hold onto that for some time after the forgiving.

Matthew 6:14 “For if you forgive men their trespasses, you’re heavenly Father will also forgive you.

God knows our frail ways. He allowed me some time to work through this and that is exactly what I did. I discovered that I could truly forget. Now I’m positive that without forgetting – you truly CANNOT forgive.

So many people walk around caring grudges and past hurts. They have stumbling blocks hanging out of their pockets…they proudly display their anger and hurt. These people cannot wait for an avenue in which to express their anger.

How many times have you been with someone who gets so angry and you just know that there is a deep seed of some kind. OK – so now if that deep seed was not there – could the anger grow? No.

We get rid of deep seeds by forgiving and forgetting. Is it easy? No. I’ve also discovered that easy is not always the best way. Sometimes “easy” just presents shortcuts.

We are not to pretend that a situation did not happen; we are to examine it - then JustAsk for help in forgiving and forgetting. The chain that has you so bound to anger will disappear and you will experience such joy and peace.

Forgiveness and Forgetting is a big deal but it can be done because I have made it through as I’m sure many of you have. I’m also sure that many of you who haven’t gone through it yet – can.

So make the difference in your life by forgiving and forgetting. You will enjoy the chains being broken. Nancy

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