Tuesday, September 1, 2009

The Good Idea/Borrowing trouble

Good morning everyone…

What a spectacular day lies ahead of us. What do you plan on doing with yours? Sometimes it is so funny that the things we plan out are exactly the opposite of what happens. Be prepared for anything I say.

Today I want to share with you something that my Mama use to say to me and something that I now say to my children… (It does stick with us!)

My Mama use to say…" Nancy don’t go borrowing trouble." I use to worry about most everything. Things I probably didn’t even know about. Worry – I held the market on that.

I’ve also come across other quotes regarding “worry”…George Washington said, “Worry is the interest paid by those who borrow trouble.” Yep!

The Bible says…"Do not worry." Matthew 6:25-34 (NIV)

Worry puts lines on our faces, aches in our heads and stomachs, weight on our shoulders and fear on our hearts.

Worry has no place in the life of a person who believes. Worry has no place in the life of a person who is encouraged and encourages others. Worry now has no place in my life. How about you?

I gain absolutely nothing by worry. Worry does not catapult me to the next level. Worry does not promote me to sleep. Worry does not put a smile on my face. Worry will pull one down. Worry does not lift one up. Hope will lift us up. Belief will lift us up. These are opposite to worry.

Worry is bondage. Worry comes in chains. Worry comes to conquer and take your joy. I say do not give in to it. We waste so much time in worry. So much time is wasted that we miss the good things that are offered to us.

We ask, “Well what if?” What is “if?” When we worry – we totally miss the present gift. We miss what is being handed to us at the perfect time.

There is enough to occupy our daily thoughts and given time. We know what we have and where we are. It is time to embrace these areas, recognize them for what they are and “JustAsk” for help if you need to change them.

Worry will not change the things in your life but faith will get you through each moment. Enjoy your day and if you worry – put it aside, work on the positive outcome and know that all things will be provided to you if you just believe. Nancy

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