Tuesday, September 8, 2009

The Good Idea/Re-alignment

Good morning to all…..

Does anyone else feel like Labor Day weekend is the end to a time and a beginning of another time? It feels like that to me. We close the door on summer activities and open the door for fall activities. There are times when the weather may not say “fall” but the calendar makes us feel like displaying the pumpkins and cooking soup.

I want to share with you some surprises which I had this weekend. Saturday morning I found myself sleeping in a little later than everyone else. When I finally decided to join the family I opened my eyes and found my two youngest children at the foot of my bed with breakfast in hand.

I had yogurt with granola, a piece of toast and a banana. I was informed that coffee was close to arriving. How I loved that. I cannot remember that ever happening before. The kids were so happy and pleased with themselves. I just loved on them and ate my breakfast in happiness and joy. What a great way to start the day…feeling the love!

My next surprise came on Monday when George and I actually, without rushing, got to sit on the deck and have breakfast/coffee together. We talked about the important things, watched the birds come and go and smiled for no reason at all. That was so special. We were sharing in each other’s company without another care in the world. There we were once again feeling the love.

So the refreshment is over and now it is time to get back to business – I want to talk about a “re-alignment.”

This is something that I am experiencing for the first time…I’m being treated by a Chiropractor. What an experience this is! Have any of you been to a Chiropractor? If so, then you know what I mean. A little scary at first…my thoughts have been – is he going to break anything? With all of this cracking and popping, I wonder if I’m going to be able to hold my head up.

Well yes I can hold my head up and I’m better because of my visit. Sometimes we just need a little re-alignment don’t we? Sometimes we need to be tweaked a little here and a little there. We need to get straight from time to time don’t we?

Over the years we develop a stiffness somewhere which causes stress on different parts of our bodies. Well how about the stiffness that exists in our emotional state, mental state, heart state and spiritual state? Do we stress out in these areas and become stiff?

We may be unable to take on more, unable to absorb more, unable to believe in more even unable to give more. Why? Because we are stiff. We need a re-alignment.

Where do we get these re-alignments….we “JustAsk”. Once we are massaged into flexibility, restored to original value then we just “work” so much better. We are straight, we are upright, and we bend so easily, we are pliable.

It feels oh so good! So don’t be afraid of the alignment. Many people are trained in helping us achieve that re-alignment that we so desperately need. “JustAsk”

Even trains get off course, off track, get knocked out of alignment….they are put back on and run smoothly. You can get straight too…look for a re-alignment….the difference will be yours. Nancy

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