Thursday, September 17, 2009

The Good Idea/Skin Deep

Good morning to all…..

“Skin deep” that is what I want to talk about today. “Skin deep” what does that mean? We’ve all used this expression in many ways and probably have meant a few things.

When I hear “skin deep” I think of splinters…(ouch)….I think of the expression, “beauty is only skin deep” or I think of transparency.

I also think of Shrek. Shrek said he was like an onion, several layers to him. Well, skin has several layers. Shrek was making an analogy of himself using an onion. He was saying that he is deep because the skin of an onion runs deep.

“Skin deep” it keeps our organs in place. It is a protective covering over our fragile system. Skin is deep because when one layer disappears; another one takes its place.

OK now what about our feelings? Some would say our feelings are only “skin deep.” Now what does that mean? Are we saying our skin is deep or shallow?

Are we saying that the hurt only goes so far or that the hurt goes all the way to the bone? I guess that is for the person who is hurting to determine.

I believe that “skin deep” is so much more than flesh. I believe that this expression refers to deep down hurt. The kind of hurt that hurts your stomach.

It is a piercing wound. Sometimes the smaller wounds like a paper cut or a needle prick on the end of your finger hurts worse that a larger cut. It does not take much to prick our flesh and hurt us. Unless of course you have “thick” skin….Oh boy – a whole new situation.

Are we fragile beings? In many respects – yes. We have been so expertly designed that we can withstand a lot of outside pressure but sometimes our skin get a little bruised and we struggle with that.

How far does the hurt go? How far will YOU let it go? We can look to the flesh and feel the pain or we can look to Jesus and watch the pain melt away.

We can understand a lot about a person when you find out if they are “thick” or “thin” skinned. What bothers them, what can they brush off, what makes them cry or what makes them laugh?

Are you transparent or opaque? Does your heart lie right under the surface or is your heart buried? How do you allow yourself to be seen?

“Skin deep” what lies beneath? How much are you willing to share? We are all made the same. It is time to stop hiding. It is time to start creating the difference that you were made to make. Enjoy your day and if you get “pricked” just kiss it, make it better and keep on going. Nancy

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