Wednesday, September 9, 2009

The Good Idea/Observation - Negative

Good afternoon to all….

My, my, where has this morning gone to? Let me think….the Orthodontist, the bank, the post office, the store, the store again and then the store. That’s where this morning has gone to. There has been too much moving around once again. I believe that I’m now settled.

Today I want to share with you an observation which my husband George and I have been “observing.”

Why is it that some people find it so easy to accept the negative instead of the positive? Take for instance sickness; some of us may jump immediately to bad news instead of believing in the healing.

We may think and stew about the job we just lost instead of the great opportunity that awaits us. When it rains some of us see gloomy skies instead of the cleansing of the earth, watering the grass and the filling up of our oceans.

Why do we as a people have to embrace the negative? I’ve heard people say, “Oh no I can’t think of hope and promises…that just doesn’t happen to me.”

Henry Ford said, “If you think you can do a thing or think you can’t do a thing you are right.”

When people jump to the negative it leaves them just there – in the negative.

It is “funny” how some people thrive on the negative information and situations. I believe that it is only when the negative is present that they feel as if they are alive. WOW – what they are missing! Where does this come from? What lies have been told to make a person dig this deep into the negative.

I’m sure you all know people who look for the negative just so they can say, “told you so.” “I told you that was going to happen.” Some people just sit and wait for “the other shoe to drop.”

Now if we take a different approach and expect the good to happen; expect the positive to manifest then it will. It is ALL how you look at it.

Whatever you look for – you will find. Do we want to be miserable? Do we want joy? Do we want love? Do we want to live in happiness and security? If we answer yes to these questions than we have to believe that the positive happens to us.

May I suggest that the next time you start to feel down, sick, tired, confused, overwhelmed and even a little negative…perk up, have faith, believe and look to the positive? If you are under the weather – well at least you get to spend some time in bed reading a good book.

Remember that saying…."When life gives you lemons; make lemonade?" It’s not so bad – it’s how you look at it that determines the outcome. It is the faith that you have.

Be positive this day – take the negative out of your life and your vocabulary. You will be amazed at the difference in your life. Nancy

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