Tuesday, September 29, 2009

The Good Idea/Patterns

Good morning my friends….

What a glorious day. I’ve heard from my eldest and she says that where she is at it is cloudy and cold. Then I look outside my window and see blue skies, sunshine and a cool breeze blowing. This scene is pretty consistent outside my doors. You know - it is how you perceive it to be.

Today I want to share with you my thoughts on “patterns.” More specifically the question, who are you patterned after?

Who are you most like? Who do you most look like? Who do you most act like? We all talk about these things in our generational lines.

Unfortunately, we sometimes pattern our health after someone who has gone before us. Because of our genetics we pattern our well being after the other members in our family.

I’ve had to deal with these same issues. There has been a certain disease which has shown up a time or two in my family line. I just refuse to accept the “fact” that I am pre-destined to receive this sickness.

I have looked at the facts, I have read up on preventative measures and most importantly I believe in health and healing.

I do not want to live a life of gloom and doom just because I may be patterned after someone who has gone before me.

We have a choice to make. Maybe we do not have a choice in life as to who we look like but we do have a choice on how we take care of ourselves and what we believe to be true about ourselves.

I’ve heard people say, “Oh that runs in our family so I’m just going to accept my fate.” What is that about? Accepting fate? Is there such a thing????

Isn’t life about being pro-active? Isn’t life about living to the best of your God given abilities? Not settling for second best. Don’t we always need to put our best foot forward? Once again I’m taken back to desire, belief and achieve. We are doing something about it.

Let’s not accept what “fate” has to offer. As a matter of fact, let’s throw “fate” out. It is “faith” not “fate.” It is in the believing that there is more….it is about “JustAsk”.

So who are you patterned after? What does that pattern say to you? Do you like it? Do you want to change it? Who is patterned after you??? This might be the better question.

Mirror, mirror on the wall – enjoy your day one and all. Be different. Nancy

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