Wednesday, September 16, 2009

The Good Idea/Convictions

Good morning to all….

What a wonderful way to start my day – I get to connect on a personal level with you before I start running around. Is this a great job or what?????

Today the word conviction has been placed upon my heart so I said, “OK…let’s go with that.”

First off I have a question for you…..What do you say to someone when they come against something that convicts you? Do you back down, do you defend your convictions or do you question yourself and your right standing?

When we believe in what we are doing…in what has convicted us – we normally stand firm.

People will come against us and say “don’t even try, I’ve tried for years and nothing changes.”

When this is spoken out it reminds me of people saying – "You can’t do that"..."That will never work"..."You are wasting your time." And my favorite response is "why." I answer with "why not."

I’m an eternal optimist. True. Sometimes I think that ignorance is bliss. We just run around focused knowing that “it” will be OK.

This reminds me of when I had my first child….if I’ve mentioned this before-just give me a moment. My first right….I can do this….this is no big deal….HA HA…ignorance is bliss.

I said, “No I do not want any medication.” “I can do this.” Yes it is true, I did it. But looking back on it…maybe I should have taken just a little medication. I don’t think that “bliss” is exactly what I was feeling at the time.

Recently I have had people come up to me and try to squelch my enthusiasm for something that is near and dear to me. I just won’t let them. Maybe it didn’t work out for them but that doesn’t mean that it won’t work out for me.

Keep believing and persevering. Nothing ever came from someone who quit. When someone says to you – “you can’t…say “I can.”

Here’s to dreams coming true…new heights being reached and being true to your convictions. I’m going to make a difference. You can too. Enjoy this great day. Nancy

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