Monday, September 14, 2009

The Good Idea/Nurturing

Good morning everyone….

I hope that your day has started out on a great note. There is so much to be thankful for isn’t there? If you break it down to the simplest of things….your pillows, your blanket, your shower, tooth brush, breakfast and a little coffee. WOW – we have so much! Thank you Lord.

Today I want to share with you a thought or two on “nurturing.” Webster defines nurturing as, “to train, to bring up, to foster, something that food.”

I’m going to focus in on the “to bring up” part of the definition today. What do you think of when you hear the word, “nurture?” I think of cuddling, loving, caressing, talking softly and giving direction…I think of love. “Nurturing” is softness to me.

While talking with some friends this weekend we mentioned how friends and even some family members are lost because they are not nurtured in their walk.

It takes work….but I consider this a labor of love. Work is sometimes dreaded, work is sometimes hard and work can wear you out. But to “nurture” that is rewarding. You are feeding into someone’s being. You are adding to their development. You are encouraging their walk.

When we develop a friendship we do not (I pray) just leave that person untouched for some time and expect for that relationship to grow, do we? I think that some people just expect for others to develop without their intervening….without some guidance…without some "nurturing."

The song…"It takes two baby - just me and you, etc." just came into my mind… OK moving on….I have found that some people take on the attitude that others do not need to be "nurtured." They think that others can make it on their own. Quite possibly so. Some of us do just fine on our own and others do not? Do you know who you are and do you know for sure who others are?

How long does it take to ask another if they need any questions answered? What about asking if they need someone to hold their hand on their journey? We need to support and back up a person until they get on level ground. Just because we could stand up immediately doesn’t mean that everyone else can.

You know some babies are walking by 6-8 months or sooner….mine walked after 1 year. We are all different. (A side note – my husband will tell you the reason that our children did not walk early is because I NEVER put them down to walk!)

That is probably another topic for another day…anyway let’s “nurture” each other. We all need to go in truth and light. We all need someone else to show us the way from time to time. When we get lost it is a wonderful thought knowing that someone will be there to "nurture" us through the rough times.

May I suggest that you be that “nurturing” person? Give until it makes you feel good! When you do this you will feel so different. Enjoy this beautiful day. Nancy

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