Monday, September 28, 2009

The Good Idea/Temptations

Good morning to all…..

OK – OK – OK –I misspelled a little word on Friday. Oh my gosh, I caught it after I shared with you. Make that “lose” control not “loose” control. Sorry!

A few days ago George and I were talking about “temptation.” What is temptation exactly?

The on-line dictionary defines temptation as, something that seduces or has the quality to seduce…. the desire to have or do something that you know you should avoid; "He felt the temptation and his will power weakened." (I see chocolate cake here.)

There you go - explained very nicely. We know what temptation is but how do we over come it? Some say that their temptations are so hard to over come. Some say that their temptations are too big. Some say “yeah, but you don’t know how hard it is.”

We are tempted every moment in every day. We must be strong to avoid temptation. So am I saying that we need to walk around with blinders on? Am I saying that we should live in a box? No, not at all.

What I am saying is that we must shed the weakness and no longer give excuses for out actions.

I find that some people are very strong in their weaknesses. Now isn’t that odd – strong in weakness? They hold onto their weaknesses. Some describe themselves by their weaknesses.

I’ve heard some say that they cannot control the temptations. They could not help themselves. I understand this; temptation is a strong hold and a hold that some have difficulty breaking.

This reminds me of talking with a child and they may express a concern to me. I will attempt to explain a solution but they come back with “yeah, but.” The “yeah, but” is an excuse. Do they really want the solution to the concern or do they just want to roll around in it more?

When a person wants to break away from a temptation they might want to change their actions or even the people they spend time with.

How badly do they want change in their lives? We hear people talk about addictions, how they want to break free…but are they really trying to change? Are they really trying to escape that temptation?

George made a great statement about this – if you want to be an electrician, you would not study under a plumber.

This means, if you want to break free you need to position yourself with people who are not battling what you are battling.

Let’s say alcohol is your temptation – do not be with people who drink. The same holds true for all temptations. Position yourself outside the draw. Help yourself to succeed.

The more excuses we give about how we cannot overcome temptations - the further we will fall.

It is not easy – not easy at all….the first step is to get rid of the excuses of “yeah but” and move forward to staying clear of that temptation. JustAsk for help.

Such a difference can be made by a little change that begins with you. Nancy

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